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  1. Paco Invictus

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

    Azra Raa
  2. Paco Invictus

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

    My car was stolen from inside the Airport Hanger (green zone) I do not have POV because of storage issues i have with my computer but if this person named Azraa Raa who stole the vehicle at around 14:36 can either admit that they stole the vehicle from the airport or show POV if they do not want...
  3. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    maybe your new to this game but you should really try reading the rules before going around the server and doing anything you want for a task
  4. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    and what will, what ur asking for, differ. You killed someone for a gang related robbery in a non red zone. there’s no two ways about it
  5. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    did u bother to watch the proof and read what it said on the screen or?
  6. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    i posted my evidence, there is not more required of me
  7. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    Ghetto Rules in server rules section Green zone Rules in server rules sections For Admins to investigate
  8. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    oh so what your saying it wasn’t a gang organised robbery? u killed me in a white zone for the sake of fun?
  9. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    i don’t think you read the part that said robberies can only be done by gang in a red zone especially if includes killing the person. car robbery or person robbery, a robbery including a gang and guns can’t be done in a white or green zone. This one was done in a white zone.
  10. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM | ID 366074

    He has lured me to come to him so he can show me something and then robbed me for my car with his gang around him which is fine but it’s the fact it was right outside the airport a non red zone (white zone) therefore a invalid robbery. On top of the fact he killed me on point, didn’t give me...
  11. Paco Invictus

    Rejected Unfair sent to prison. Uday Cartel

    Tried to explain to him that the spike/barrier were put in a white zone. Therefore did not remove as there was no need for to remove it as-well as never done it before. All been explained to him but he couldn’t care less and gave me over a hour in prison.
  12. Paco Invictus

    Rejected Disrespect by Admin. Zaid Pluxuary

    Very sarcastic, unhelpful and rude. Something that every other admin has helped with and are meant to especially considering it’s such an effortless task. Hence why i believe it’s disrespect and if not then racism due to me having a Mexican name. Not sure but it definitely was not what you’d...
  13. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM from 435454

    I was doing my job as a taxi driver, this player randomly and purposely rammed into me, causing me to fly out my vehicle then proceeded to shoot me with a AR and kill me for no apparent reason, he later on decided to leave the game before paramedics arrived.
  14. Paco Invictus

    Rejected Unfair Punishment and Arrogance. Abuse of Power.

    Admin Uday Cartel put me in to jail for 100 Mins or more for UB SPIKES. I placed spikes or barrier in a white zone. It was not green zone neither was it red zone. On top of the fact it was only for a battle pass challenge and i was not aware that i was meant to take them back as 1) never...
  15. Paco Invictus

    Approved RDM? ID: 291521

    kept just randomly ramming his car to mine constantly whilst i was just trying to get to my house
  16. Paco Invictus

    Approved RDM ID: 296175

    i was landing my plane whilst at my job and player 296175 rammed me with his car and then after i warned him that i was recording he done is again and then i carried on doing my job and then he hits me full speed causing my plane to explode and killing me
  17. Paco Invictus

    Rejected RDM

    296175 rammed my plane when i was landing and even after i warned them that i was recording they decided to drive full speed in to my plane causing it to explode, killing me and ruining my job with in the roleplay and also driving away after killing me.
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