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  1. C

    Reviewed Ban for ER 1.7 | Hisham Bishop

    Sorry I missclicked here is the POV on Youtube again so its ruleconfirm :
  2. C

    Reviewed Ban for ER 1.7 | Hisham Bishop

    Good evening administrator-team of en03, apologies that I send my POV to late. I had school today from 7am to 5pm and yesterday I was going outside after this informal. I hope I will get another chance Here is the missing POV: https://streamable.com/6yw5bt Here is the original forum post...
  3. C

    Rejected Ban Appeal 1.7 I Ultraslan Mermiflow

    Hello administrator-team of en03, i got banned for Event Rule 1.7 (NO POV). I noticed it when I got back from school today at 5pm. If Im be honest I was going to sleep yesterday at 10pm and didn't checked the forum, also I didn't played yesterday after this informal because I was outside. I also...
  4. C

    Rejected Entbannungsantrag von Moe Mermiflow

    entbannet den süßen der herr hat sonst einen steifen mit latte machiato cafee. Er ist wirklich das arschhaar auf der sahnetorte!
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