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Search results

  1. Karthik Brown

    Reviewed Ban for Gen Rule 6.17 | Lebron Pluxury

    i was assistant administrator in EN02 i was being interviewed by lebron pulxury . Lebron got a pov which was recorded using game bar . I regularly would use medal to record the pov but today medal software was not working so i made a pov for 2 mins of me selling my house using game bar for that...
  2. Karthik Brown

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 6.17 | Lebron Pluxury

    i was assistant administrator in EN02 i was being interviewed by lebron pulxury . Lebron got a pov which was recorded using game bar . I regularly would use medal to record the pov but today medal software was not working so i made a pov for 2 mins of me selling my house using game bar for that...
  3. Karthik Brown

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 6.17 | Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Lebron i had just made 2 min pov of the selling the house i had been medal software to i have previous time footages i am ready for PC check plz forgive me for a single time i have learnt my lesson i was inactive from 5 months i just came back recently i was not knowing game bar is illegal...
  4. Karthik Brown

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 6.17 | Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Lebron i had just made 2 min pov of the selling the house i had been medal software to i have previous time footages i am ready for PC check plz forgive me for a single time i have learnt my lesson i was inactive from 5 months i just came back recently i was not knowing game bar is illegal...
  5. Karthik Brown

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 6.17 | Lebron Pluxury

    i was assistant administrator in EN02 i was being interviewed by lebron pulxury . Lebron got a pov which was recorded using game bar . I regularly would use medal to record the pov but today medal software was not working so i made a pov for 2 mins of me selling my house using game bar for that...
  6. Karthik Brown

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 6.17 | Lebron Pluxury

    i would use medal only to record but today medal was not working i made a pov for 2 mins of me selling my house using bame bar for that i got ban for GR 6.17 this is my humble request of unban i will make sure this never happens again.
  7. Karthik Brown

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Your name IRL : karthik Your age (OOC): 23 Time zone + country: GMT+5:30 INDIA Based on Server Time i can play from (14:30 to 20:30 ): Average online per day(hours): 6 hours Your Discord ID: karthik6202 Your characters' name (IC): Karthik Brown Your in game ID: 108260 Your in game level: 23...
  8. Karthik Brown

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    1. Your name IRL : karthik 2. Your age : 23 years 3. Time zone : GMT+5:30 4. Average online per day : 6 to 10 hours 5. Your Discord : karthik6202 6. Your Nickname : Karthik Brown 7. Your ID :108260 1. Why do you want to become an admin? previously i was in admin team due to IRL problem i had...
  9. Karthik Brown

    Approved PG | 2266

    Accepted ID 2266 will be punished for PG
  10. Karthik Brown

    Approved PG | 2266

  11. Karthik Brown

    Reviewed RDM + Possible Cheats | 131125

    Reviewed ID 131125 was already punished (so closing the forum)
  12. Karthik Brown

    Rejected RDM and fl-rp | 106528 - 127812

    Rejected As this POV is older than 48 hours iam rejecting this forum.
  13. Karthik Brown

    Approved rdm | 128369

    Accepted ID 128369 will be for RDM
  14. Karthik Brown

    Approved CR | 125696

    Accepted ID 125696 will be punished for CR
  15. Karthik Brown

    Approved CR | 125696

  16. Karthik Brown

    Approved rdm | 128369

  17. Karthik Brown

    Reviewed Pov Request | 124317

    Reviewed ID 124317 will be punished for event rule 1.7
  18. Karthik Brown

    Rejected Bug abuse I 0000

    Rejected There is nothing suspicious it both POV (it is just dsync)
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