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  1. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected Targeting Org | James Pluxury

    If this is regarding checkpoint, here is my POV: Other than all that I have provided, I actually don't know why I got banned, thanks for reading.
  2. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected Targeting Org | James Pluxury

    If this ban is regarding my name, I have asked admins before and they confirmed that I can have a similar name to my main with capitol i instead of an L, I have the proof attached in the Imgur link, also there is more confirmation that I can do it but it's on my main account which I can't...
  3. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected Targeting Org | James Pluxury

    Hello, I was sitting at a tattoo shop waiting for the new hour to remove my tattoo and suddenly I got banned for targeting org, as far as I know, I haven't targeted any org, LSPD leader and deputies are my friends, same with SAHP Deputies, and I haven't had any interactions with FIB, the ban...
  4. Nagh Diefalla

    Approved Corruption without Bio | 92230, 109045

    Was passing through checkpoint, 92230 this guy searched me illegally, I asked for his ID so I can sue him, he pretended he can't hear me and his friend that I already have a forum against (threads/716424/) decided to kill me and not patch me up neither did 92230, came a random officer patched me...
  5. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected Corruption without bio | 109045

    he decided to patch me up at an atm robbery and left me in the middle of nowhere with cuffs on and had to call an admin to remove my cuffs.
  6. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected 297635 | GR 6.10

    take down post please
  7. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected GR 6.10 | Jessica Odds

    Until that player also decided to go ahead and move the situation OOC and contact me somewhere else so still, where exactly is my GR 6.10? along with the ban being from 1 - 7 days, but instead I got 30.
  8. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected GR 6.10 | Jessica Odds

    Thanks for responding Jessica but that situation was completely different, 1. I didn't threaten him, that message was going to everyone in that investigation 2. it was actually RP until I lost faith in that guy so I told him I'm talking ooc, that's why it's between brackets and the messages on...
  9. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected GR 6.10 | Jessica Odds

    I also would like to refer to this thread, Reviewed - GR 6.10 I 9331
  10. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected 297635 | GR 6.10

    I was basically responding to atm robbery with another officer, showed up, got demands, called for backup, now this guy which I don't even know changed his clothes inside the bank and left out the other door running but I still shot him since it was a crime scene, the whole situation was RP, as...
  11. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected GR 6.10 | Jessica Odds

    I was basically responding to atm robbery with another officer, showed up, got demands, called for backup, now this guy which I don't even know changed his clothes inside the bank and left out the other door running but I still shot him since it was a crime scene, the whole situation was RP, as...
  12. Nagh Diefalla

    Approved RDM | 286683, 319688, 128995, 4824, 101533

    Started shooting at all LSPD that was there on scene with no prior demands from anyone, proceeded to even shoot EMS
  13. Nagh Diefalla

    Approved GR 6.19 | 342713

    was explaining the game to someone IC while sitting in an empty discord voice channel, I was explaining to him LifeInvader and how to apply and this guy comes around and calls me f-word.
  14. Nagh Diefalla

    Approved CL + MK | 196235 + 0000

    mixing too btw
  15. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected GR 6.19 | Hector Blake

    Another addition if you are wondering how "And go fuck yourself" sounded like the N word here is an explanation My accent made it go like that "And go fuck yourself" (How it's written) "N go fuck yourself" (American accent, mine) "(N Word) fuck yourself" (what was interpreted in the video of...
  16. Nagh Diefalla

    Approved FearRP, FailRP, Stalling | 220609

    it is in the video if you slow down the video when the green Bugatti hits us at exactly3:32 https://prnt.sc/OnrCR4_VidEZ
  17. Nagh Diefalla

    Approved FearRP, FailRP, Stalling | 220609

    308011 was in fact dead there on the floor yes, spawned back at the hospital got the green Bugatti broke NLR and came back started CR us.
  18. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected GR 6.19 | Hector Blake

    Adding to the post, you can clearly hear me laughing in the video of his friends ramming me with their car and shooting me from the roof, that's because I take it lightly and won't say an insult like that, before even thinking about breaking the rule itself.
  19. Nagh Diefalla

    Approved FearRP, FailRP, Stalling | 220609

    220609: He was stalling and acting like he doesn't know how to put his hands up so his friends have time to get up on roof and kills us and kill him so we won't rob him, afterwards they can rob us and was talking while dead. 281808: Kept Car Ramming us so the guys on the roof can kill us...
  20. Nagh Diefalla

    Rejected GR 6.19 | Hector Blake

    I was banned for 3 days for the N word when I didn't say it what I said was "and go fuck your self" because I got in the car and he killed me without giving me a chance to get out and ran not only that but also this guy was stalling so bad to get his friends to kill him and then kill us so we...
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