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Search results

  1. Mr Waifu

    IMPORTANT Applications for FIB

    1. Your name IRL: Isaiah 2. Your IRL Age: 21 3. Time zone: EST (Eastern Stranded Time) 4. Average online per day: 6 hours 5. Your Discord: bunnycookie23 6. Your Nickname: Xavier Blade 7. Your ID: 116149
  2. Mr Waifu

    Rejected RDM | 115765, 65349, 116393, 117831, 118087, 107191, 82055, 65319

    hi, but i didnt use obs and i dont xbox game or nivida at all
  3. Mr Waifu

    Rejected RDM | 115765, 65349, 116393, 117831, 118087, 107191, 82055, 65319

    killed me in a green zone and just started to count down with any demands. Suspect ID: 115765, 65349, 116393, 117831, 118087, 107191, 82055, 65319 Note: Wouldn't Let put all the id in the suspect id below
  4. Mr Waifu

    Approved PG | 99775

    hi again
  5. Mr Waifu

    Approved PG | 99775

    they searched me in front of gov. they wasn't wearing any uniform.
  6. Mr Waifu

    Rejected Power Gaming

    i was heading to bank protection then i went to jail for power gaming
  7. Mr Waifu

    Rejected Power Gaming | 116149

    i was heading to bank protection then i went to jail for power gaming
  8. Mr Waifu

    Rejected RDM | 117432

    I was standing on the side of the road this person starting punching me/ killed me for no reason!
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