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Search results

  1. R

    IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

    Information 1. Your name IRL :- prathamesh shinde 2. Your age IRL :- 21 3. Time zone :- (GMT +5:30) 4. Average online per day :- 6 to 8 hours 5. Your Discord :- pratham_101 6. Your Nickname :- Royal Star 7. Your ID :- 113798 Additional information 1. Leader of Marabunta Grande 2. Why do you...
  2. R

    IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

    Information 1. Your name IRL :- prathamesh shinde 2. Your age IRL :- 21 3. Time zone :- (GMT +5:30) 4. Average online per day :- 6 to 8 hours 5. Your Discord :- pratham_101 6. Your Nickname :- Royal Star 7. Your ID :- 113798 Additional information 1. Leader of Marabunta Grande 2. Why do you...
  3. R

    Rejected POV Request + Possible Cheats | 0000

    i want to see how he kill me behind the container
  4. R

    Reviewed General Rule 6.17 (PC Check) | Matt Sirius

    Hello dear lebron i got ban for GR 6.17 because i am recording with geforce nvidia experience in laptop and matt sirius do my pc check also i record all my pov with nvidia only in laptop and its impossible to make setting of nvidia to capture all overlays in laptop Forum from i got banned for...
  5. R

    Rejected Ban for GR 6.17 | Yaswanth Trigger

    Hello dear lebron i got ban for GR 6.17 because i am recording with geforce nvidia experience in laptop and matt sirius do my pc check also i record all my pov with nvidia only in laptop and its impossible to make setting of nvidia to capture all overlays in laptop Forum from i got banned for...
  6. R

    Rejected gr 6.17 | yaswanth trigger

    Hello dear lebron i got ban for GR 6.17 because i am recording with geforce nvidia experience in laptop and matt sirius do my pc check also i record all my pov with nvidia only in laptop and its impossible to make setting of nvidia to capture all overlays in laptop Forum from i got banned for...
  7. R

    Rejected under investigation | yaswanth trigger

    Hello dear lebron i hope u are doing well today morning i got ban for under investigation i dont know the reason for what i got ban from yaswanth trigger by this thread Approved - Fear RP+CL | 118210 | 113798 | 151908 please can u review this thread or i am ready for pc check thank you so much...
  8. R

    Approved Fear RP+CL | 118210 | 113798 | 151908

    As you can see i got connection lost at that time i didnt break anyrules here.
  9. R

    Rejected Royals | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Royals Family House: 85 Family Owner Name: Royal Star | 113798 Family Owner Forum Profile: Pratham_101 Family Owner Discord: Pratham_101 FAMILY LOGO : FAMILY OUTFIT : Family BACKSTORY : Royal Star was born in Mexico, where he grew up in poverty with his father, who was a...
  10. R

    Approved Fail Rp | 95183

    he collect my dept without saying anything after he collect said . All in pov
  11. R

    Rejected Royals | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Royals Family House: 85 Family Owner Name: Royal Star | 113798 Family Owner Forum Profile: Pratham_101 Family Owner Discord: Pratham_101 FAMILY LOGO : FAMILY OUTFIT : Family BACKSTORY : Royal Star was born in Mexico, where he grew up in poverty with his father, who was a...
  12. R

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Aman Patel

    Thread 'Bug abuse | 82771' Rejected - Bug abuse | 82771 Dear Lebron this is also same situation but forum got rejected because of insufficient proof in my case it also same so rechecked my thread and confirm its a humble request & thank you.
  13. R

    Approved RDM | 134327

  14. R

    Approved RDM | 134327

    me and my friend was there to take away my solar but suddenly that guy came and started shooting us . All in pov
  15. R

    Reviewed POV REQ | 0000

  16. R

    Reviewed ooc insult | 115675

    All in that image
  17. R

    Rejected wrong decision | matt long

    i have listen all things that they said still admin give me punishment for Fear RP and after all things i done they said to me leave when i leave they started killing me again and after that they patch me and leave me i gave u full pov from start so its wrong decision from admin so please remove...
  18. R

    Approved Fail Rp | 89631 & 113798

    i already told u when i came there give full pov from start when i came there
  19. R

    Rejected unban appeal | satish royal

    the guy who reports me is game was glitch u can see through my pov
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