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Search results

  1. Aadi Das

    Approved VDM | 225832

    all in pov
  2. Aadi Das

    Reviewed Pov Request | 376065

    show me your pov how can you teleport like this
  3. Aadi Das

    Approved Parental Abuse | 383007

    all in pov
  4. Aadi Das

    Approved Parental Abuse | 357708

    all in pov
  5. Aadi Das

    Reviewed possible cheats | 346964

    this guy kill me in 2s with using LMG
  6. Aadi Das

    Reviewed pov request | 241719

    close please!
  7. Aadi Das

    Reviewed pov request | 241719

    Hit her show many shotgun bullets also u can see her HP she is not dying just want to see her POV
  8. Aadi Das

    Approved Fail RP | 246121

    This guy came and collected the debt without asking or informing me.
  9. Aadi Das

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | 300756

    damn this guy can easily win a marathon cause he runs a lot but keep in mind that bullets are faster.
  10. Aadi Das

    Approved CR | 194022

    all in pov
  11. Aadi Das

    Approved GR 6.15+UB Demand+RDM |185231, 264052

    all in pov
  12. Aadi Das

    Approved RDM | 131946

    all in pov
  13. Aadi Das

    Rejected Warn for GR6.15 | Arda Tateman

    Wrong Punishment we didn,t give demands or shoot first. they started shooting at us first.we had to save our lives so we shoot them back.Also there already fight going on so its not gr 6.15 and also we didn,t give ub demands.
  14. Aadi Das

    Rejected warn for GR 6.15

    close this forum i have edit to title and i cant do that so i will make a new forum
  15. Aadi Das

    Rejected warn for GR 6.15

    Wrong Punishment we didn,t give demands or shoot first. they started shooting at us first.we had to save our lives so we shoot them back.Also there already fight going on so its not gr 6.15 and also we didn,t give ub demands.
  16. Aadi Das

    Rejected Wrong Punishment | Arda Tateman

    Wrong Punishment
  17. Aadi Das

    Approved Mass CR | 324684

    all in pov
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