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Search results

  1. N

    Rejected Leader of Ballas | Deigo Skyline

    Great Leader !! Diego for Ballas !!
  2. N

    Rejected Pov Request | 47024

    Wow ur pov clearly shows how u was holding main gate loool
  3. N

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Diego Skyline

    This guy deserves to be given the opportunity, he is aware of all game rules, dedicated to playing and organizing events and most of all he is a great person to play and enjoy the game with ! Give him the leadership !!
  4. N

    Rejected Rdm 348661

    lets see what admin thinks when he sees u opening ur mic in game in your pov dumbass
  5. N

    Rejected Rdm 348661

    whoever gonna review this, this guy is using special program to hide his voice from pov, clearly u can see from his pov he is using mic but not reflecting in pov, he was insulting and provoking us in Arabic but he does not want to show it in video, take that into consideration when reviewing...
  6. N

    Rejected RDM | 328633

    All in POV
  7. N

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    his legs was visible to me as per pov link
  8. N

    Approved warehousing | 330730

    Hello Admin, the Id mentioned above joined the family couple days back, today he took ammo and guns from ammo car as per images attached below and proceeded to leave the family. Please look into it and provide appropriate punishment. I have doubts that this could be a twink account or possibly...
  9. N

    Rejected Calavera - Unofficial Organization

    - Family Name - Calavera - Family Leader- Nomad eLPadrino | 329776 - Family Leader forums profile link Profile - Nomad eLPadrino - Family Leader discord - c1lv. - Family House no - 701 - Family Logo - Background Story : The Calavera family is the oldest and the largest of the "los Families"...
  10. N

    Approved Shooting HQ | 329776 332113

  11. N

    Approved Shooting HQ | 329776 332113

    1 person shot at you once he realized he immediately left the area no harm done.
  12. N

    Approved GR 3.1 I 174767

    I called u to talk to you i dint force you to come, plus i was talking normal to you no need to insult me
  13. N

    Approved GR 3.1 I 174767

    all in pov, the guys says suck my d**** twice once to me, once to the random dude at the gas station
  14. N

    Rejected Abuse of org car for personal use I 269167

    private or state its not supposed to be used to go to ghetto or wherever and start shooting people, if its allowed than we can all start shooting any lifeinvader vehicle we see in ghetto.
  15. N

    Rejected Abuse of org car for personal use I 269167

    Another admin response
  16. N

    Rejected Abuse of org car for personal use I 269167

    Lifeinvader vehicle pulls up and joins fight in redzone, it is not allowed to use org cars for personal use.
  17. N

    Approved CR I 325847

    All in POV
  18. N

    Rejected VDM car ramming

    I was purchasing med kits, i come outside find this guy ramming my heli, when i approach him he start running me over non stop with car till death
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