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  1. S

    Reviewed UB demand + RDM | 109862, 120541, 94248,92827,87986

    btw you shot and killed the people when you were counting 2 lol. not even a proper count
  2. S

    Reviewed UB demand + RDM | 109862, 120541, 94248,92827,87986

    Please stop arguing with me let admin handle the whole thing as you are talking out of context now.
  3. S

    Reviewed UB demand + RDM | 109862, 120541, 94248,92827,87986

    LOL you kicked the family member to plant soler nice admin please check the log you can find everything.
  4. S

    Reviewed UB demand + RDM | 109862, 120541, 94248,92827,87986

    already did bro don't worry :geek:
  5. S

    Reviewed UB demand + RDM | 109862, 120541, 94248,92827,87986

    In your own POV time 0.5 sec I can see your family member was planting the soler and you are saying you saw soler and you will give demand xD and the guy who planted the soler from your family got punished by Willian Federal for planting soler in our family house.
  6. S

    Reviewed UB demand + RDM | 109862, 120541, 94248,92827,87986

    [/MEDIA] So, theres randomly a single solar planted there, that has almost 5 hours left to be picked up and you guys just happen to be in that place, with your whole family? You do know admins can check who planted the solar right Vikku?
  7. S

    Reviewed UB demand + RDM | 109862, 120541, 94248,92827,87986

    I came to my family house stopped my car and was talking in my ORG NON RP chat. This people came out of no where gave me demand without any reason in my own family house and killed me. As i can see they are wearing same dress so i am thinking they are from the same family. No clear reason was...
  8. S

    Approved NRL | 121167

    why dont you give the full pov from the start why crop it. are you afraid you will get caught?
  9. S

    Approved NRL | 121167

    Please check the log you will see i was patched by other person as i do not have the pov after i died
  10. S

    Approved RDM | 105100

    and do not try to do toxicity calling me noobie or other stuff as i see you are purely a toxic person in city and in real life. We are here plying RP not doing war.
  11. S

    Approved RDM | 105100

    Bro i see you got so many forum against you you always break rules. I do not care if i get NLR but people like you should get punished for what you do in the city. Unfortunately i do not have the pov of where a random guy revive me. But if you give the full pov where you killed m to where you...
  12. S

    Approved RDM | 105100

    IDK why you still need more extended pov as i gave 1 min pov still as you asked i give you the full pov here is the link idk why you need more pov as i clearly gave you the 1 min pov which shows the full situation. If you ask the guy to give full pov you will see what happend as he croped te...
  13. S

    Approved RDM | 105100

    And do give the full pov of it you gave18 sec pov . You killed others at that time do give the full pov.
  14. S

    Approved RDM | 105100

    I did not do NLR someone revived me and you killed me again when i came to talk to you. And he is clearly agreed he did kill me lol
  15. S

    Approved RDM | 105100

    All in POV
  16. S

    Rejected RDM | 40906

    You killed them at 21:24 before the start of leftover component. You broke the event rule 1.2.
  17. S

    Rejected RDM | 40906

    and for your kind information the guy who gave the forum will not close it unless you can show the evidence that someone from our fam shot you. He is stubborn so i can not convince him with out seeing your pov.
  18. S

    Rejected RDM | 40906

    there was 5 min left before the leftover component. So you can not kill anyone. The situation you are taking about you can kill at that time but the situation was not even started cause there was 5 min left to start. As far as i know no one from our fam shot you they were standing there for the...
  19. S

    Rejected RDM | 40906

    give me you POV let me see
  20. S

    Rejected RDM | 40906

    It was, in my opinion, a simple misunderstanding. You were shot by another individual and believed it was a member of the Order family. However, killing them was wrong on your part. You cannot exact revenge on someone by killing those close to the incident just because you were shot. Although...
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