i agree with you i wouldn't mind a PC check i am relatively new and you are basing your points on things that are avoiding the fact that it was indeed an RDM what happened is clear in the video i was checking next to the heli as i though the shooting was there you can see that in the video as i...
I was watching on another screen and skipping a video on youtube doesn't mean skipping parts I've got the whole recording mate
+ i was sitting there and people were dead i went to revive them as u can see i didn't know where the shotting was i just went to revive my friend when I saw the guy I...
on the video i just come to revive the people that are dead am not part of there family I haven't spoke with any of them and u didn't give me a demand not to revive u just killed me ID 121755
killing people for no reason and without a 5-second warning I'm not sure if exploding the gas station on purpose is valid but I would like at least to understand why would they do that.
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