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  1. R

    Reviewed Cheating | 100521

    We couldnt see this player body since we started to chase him around base, his car is cannot be rammed even different cars and end of the video as you see he didnt die at explosion also his car didn't take any damage.
  2. R

    Approved VDM | 91999

    actually there 2 person who breaking rules 101380 and 91999 here's the video link
  3. R

    Approved Fail RP | 53072

    Evidence of POV He left the city when he's arrested
  4. R

    Rejected RDM by id=94112

    I sweared him because of his driving skills nad he start to hit my car, he followed me for minutes and killed me in my family house, I turned off the sounds because of my friends' discord conversation (it was already in turkish.).
  5. R

    Rejected GEN RULES 6.4 | Kazuto_Kirigaya

    Also there's another proof: https://clipchamp.com/watch/UtNMgI7GLv9
  6. R

    Rejected GEN RULES 6.4 | Kazuto_Kirigaya

    Hello, I'm at NG and we got a globel help request on radio, ı got my car and started to drive setpoint on the map. Administor told me that ı passed through ghetto zone thats why ı got warn and jaiiled, but I got a emergency global request and ı had to go through ghetto zone, also we engaged by...
  7. R


    As ı get the new informations from the admin, he says ı broke like being in ghetto, but ı have to pass the ghetto to get inside also there were FIB agents too with me and we engaged together.
  8. R


    There was a global request for hostage situation, and ı got car from base and started to go area that they sent us on gps and it happens.
  9. R

    IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

    Information 1. Your name IRL Yüksel 2. Your age 22 3. Time zone UTC +3 4. Average online per day 4-9 hours 5. Your Discord yukselp 6. Your Nickname Pacte Pash 7. Your ID 125933 Additional information 1. I'm one of the most known a...
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