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Search results

  1. S

    Rejected Wrong Decission | Freija Jinn

    i cant understand why i get ban for this forum im doing exactly nothing i was just talked in chat im okay for fl in rp but i didnt do anything racist
  2. S

    Rejected Blacklisted | Lebron Pluxury

    i dont understand why i get blacklisted i wasnt at home when i came back i saw i got blacklist i hope i will get unbanned Greats
  3. S

    Approved VDM | 394562

  4. S

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

  5. S

    Reviewed pov request | ld: 0000

    its not bug abuse u even can shoot trough fence in gang turf
  6. S

    Reviewed pov request | ld: 0000

    its not a wall cant u see?
  7. S

    Reviewed pov request | ld: 0000

    https://streamable.com/ux1nx5 i guess he dont know blue fence is not bulletproof
  8. S

    Approved RDM | 17168

    she killed me casually
  9. S

    Approved RDM | 136776

    theese guys just shoot me in the city
  10. S

    Reviewed Request POV / Bug abuse | 20708

    ur redux is illegal ur screen is not getting dead efect
  11. S

    Rejected Wrong Decission | Naruto Stark

    i was afk near hospital when i come back to game i saw i got jail for provoking i didnt do anything i was afk
  12. S

    Reviewed Pov req | 0000

    Smoked with hitbox_ Grand rp thats clearly hitbox set it slow mo and u will see he is spraying air and hittin
  13. S

    Reviewed pov req 0000

  14. S

    Approved ER 1.2, MERCY KILLING | 101199, 131031

    its not bug abuse
  15. S

    Approved ER 1.2, MERCY KILLING | 101199, 131031

    they killed before informal and finished me
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