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  1. ami_alif

    Rejected Animation on Dead body | 369305

    nice meta gaming (y)
  2. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 197070

    all in pov
  3. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 344734

    where is nlr in this pov? do u even know what nlr means
  4. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    kiddo just shut up ur dirty mouth
  5. ami_alif

    Rejected RDM + Shooting in city | 376327

    bro the id who killed u just search his id and see what he is doing for the last 2-3 days . if u were in that situation u also would say my words
  6. ami_alif

    Rejected RDM + Shooting in city | 376327

    this brainless stupid should get block from the server and his brainless family should also get a warn they all break server rules and troll other players
  7. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    yes everybody knows who is dumbass shit player 🤣 lol brainless kiddo
  8. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    brainless fellow if he first shoot u then u just provide the pov simple . and btw go first learn the basic general server rules lol
  9. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    Scar Magic u brainless stupid see this pov first and see the time and then see the main forum pov and also the time u will understand did he broke nlr or not . btw go read all the grand rp server rules first then come here to play u brainless stupid.
  10. ami_alif

    Reviewed closed

    bro this family is totally bullshit they troll other players for no reason my brother also forum against this player his forum is still pending
  11. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    we have everyone proof u brainless fellow
  12. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    u killed him 2 times first time the time was 14:33 but he came there again becuz there is also his fam house in around 15:04 so how this is nrl?
  13. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    he came after 15min i was there as well when he did nrl he came after 15min i was there as well and 2nd time u didnt gave any demand y u killed him for no reason?
  14. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    all in pov btw what type of blackmail ? he just asked ur fam member to say sorry becuz u killed him for no reason otherwise he will submit forum
  15. ami_alif

    Approved RDM | 376327

    he also killed my friend for no reason
  16. ami_alif

    Rejected UB Demand + RDM | 367985 , 332195 , 335887

    sir , you can see in pov that those strangers came in our house for solar raid but they did'nt gave us any demand they directly did rdm with us .
  17. ami_alif

    Reviewed Fail RP | 332322

    yesterday we lost family raid against them and in raid when we were knock down they were abusing all of us. after the raid ends they came to our family hq and again they were abusing our family members and showing us emotes and some of them were also showing us guns. after that we start fight...
  18. ami_alif

    Rejected RDM, 3.1 and 3.3 | 363676, 369305, 357030, 328629

    bro u did fail rp and vdm what about that?:ROFLMAO: btw we said u to leave the area but u did vdm toall of us:rolleyes:. share those proofs too because u just shared proof of ur side. ooh btw where is ur voice in ur pov? fail rp vdm
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