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Search results

  1. byMaskely

    Rejected UB DEMANDS, CR | 353371, 289256

    They cant pull me over with 1 car and 2 person. Also they rammed my car too.
  2. byMaskely

    Rejected Random Shooting in Event | 354936

  3. byMaskely

    Approved Mass CL | 308824, 296231, 291888, 339554, 362510, 346027, 257477

    IDs: 308824, 296231, 291888, 339554, 362510, 346027, 257477 Everything in proof.
  4. byMaskely

    Rejected Insult | 1928735

    Everything in proof. I don't know his ID, i know his IC phone number.
  5. byMaskely

    Approved OOC Insult | 8789461

    Need turkish admin. While i was selling a backpack he didn't like the price and OOC insulted me. I don't have his ID, admin said type his phone number. Everything is clear at proof.
  6. byMaskely

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Omer HilI

    Will be best leader
  7. byMaskely

    Approved Cheating | 388304

    I was left without a car because the organization's cars were washed, I asked him for help and he helped me by cheating :D (I instantly reported this situation to admins and they said make a complaint)
  8. byMaskely

    Approved Random Punching | 381766

    all in pov
  9. byMaskely

    Reviewed CR, UB Driving, Parent Insult, Provoking | 128132, 343961, 224398

    ID 128132 - Car Ramming ID 343961 - Car Ramming, Parent Insult , OOC Insult, FL in GZ (Need Turkish admin) ID 224398 - Provoking ID 128132 and ID 343961 didn't do anything to me but i feel uncomfortable hearing parent insults.
  10. byMaskely

    Approved CR | 91860

    While i was drifting our cars crashed each other then he deliberately rammed my car 2 times.
  11. byMaskely

    Approved CR, UB Driving | 274248

    all in pov
  12. byMaskely

    Approved Random Shooting | 195

    all in pov.
  13. byMaskely

    Approved Random Shooting | 358583

    All in POV.
  14. byMaskely

    Rejected Random Shooting | 358583

    All in pov.
  15. byMaskely

    Approved Random Punching | 368319

    All in pov.
  16. byMaskely

    Approved RDM | 355602

    Watch proof. While i was waiting for collect my battery he killed me without demand. He must to say or write for give demand. Only pointing a gun doesnt mean anything.
  17. byMaskely

    Rejected RDM | 355602

    Watch proof. While i was waiting for collect my battery he killed me without demand.
  18. byMaskely

    Rejected UB Demands - Multiple RDM | 3390000

    All in povs. He killed more than 5 times without any reason. He gave UB demands. He didn't let the ambulance and others to help me. (And killed others without reason too) There is big rule break. Please watch all of povs. Proof 1: Proof 2: Proof 3: Proof 4:
  19. byMaskely

    Approved GR 6.15, UB DEMAND - 352463, 162447

    lol If you think Im lying then share your pov lier
  20. byMaskely

    Approved GR 6.15, UB DEMAND - 352463, 162447

    Already posted
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