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Search results

  1. B

    Rejected GR 1.1 I Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Lebron I wan banned for under investigation by shan albertus but the ban has now been shifted to gr 1.1 please look into it and lift the ban. I have a great passion for playing Grand RP, which I believe is the best project in the world. READY FOR PC CHECK!! Thank you. Social account...
  2. B

    Rejected Gr 1.1 I Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Lebron, I am currently banned as pending investigation . If there's any pending investigation, please look into it and lift the ban. I have a great passion for playing Grand RP, which I believe is the best project in the world. READY FOR PC CHECK !! Thank you. Social account username :-...
  3. B

    Rejected Under Investigation I Shan Albertus

    Dear Lebron, I am currently banned as pending investigation . If there's any pending investigation, please look into it and lift the ban. I have a great passion for playing Grand RP, which I believe is the best project in the world. READY FOR PC CHECK !! Thank you. Social account username :-...
  4. B

    Rejected Under Investigation I Shan Albertus

    Dear Lebron, I am currently banned as pending investigation . If there's any pending investigation, please look into it and lift the ban. I have a great passion for playing Grand RP, which I believe is the best project in the world. READY FOR PC CHECK !! Thank you. Regards Maverick Blackout...
  5. B

    Rejected RDM

    All in pov
  6. B

    Reviewed RDM I 133994

    All In Pov
  7. B

    Approved RDM I 139438

    All in pov
  8. B

    Reviewed Pov Request |0000

    The pov is corrupt if want can provide the ss
  9. B

    Reviewed Pov Request |0000

    Pls give me 10 more hours Im away from my pc
  10. B

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    I want to become admin to help people in the city who are new and and wants a oppurtunity to serve the best rp server. I am very patient and work with my heart and now how to handle the situation calmly. Iam fluent in speaking english and now how to My greatest weaknesses are i am not...
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