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  1. RiO xox

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    All in POV
  2. RiO xox

    Rejected wrong desicion | usama volkov

    hello dear admin ,, can u pls re check this forum Reviewed - RDM | 122933 ,,, i gave him 5 sec to leave the place or i would kill him to take valuable case ,,, but he did nt fear for his life and was only punished with MG . ,,,,,,, however he wasn t punished for FAIL RP and FAIR RP either ...
  3. RiO xox

    Approved Fail rp I 169203

    All in POV
  4. RiO xox

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    i want to see his pov
  5. RiO xox

    Approved GR 6.24 | 169381

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  6. RiO xox

    Reviewed GR 3.1, 3.2 | 168444

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  7. RiO xox

    Approved GR 3.1, 3.2 | 169195 + 127241

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  8. RiO xox

    Rejected warning for rdm I Soggyfan Western

    hello dear , i was afk in beach market after i come back i find my self have a warning for rdm i didnt do anything
  9. RiO xox

    Reviewed PG | 149165

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  10. RiO xox

    Reviewed RDM I 132836

    all in pov
  11. RiO xox

    Rejected GZ 1.3 | 118863

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  12. RiO xox

    Approved nlr | 128316

    he killed me u can check logs sir
  13. RiO xox

    Approved nlr | 128316

    all in pov
  14. RiO xox

    Approved Fail rp I 143384

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  15. RiO xox

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

  16. RiO xox

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    i wanna see how i die
  17. RiO xox

    Approved UB demand + RDM | 119582 + 0000

    all in pov
  18. RiO xox

    Rejected Demorgan for MG I Ivan Hopper

    Hello administrators, yesterday I uploaded a forum on someone who broke the gz 1.3 rule, and the administrator who punished him also punished me. I know I did MG, but MG only has mute, not demorgan. Can you look into this again?
  19. RiO xox

    Approved ER 1.2 | 160689

    all in pov
  20. RiO xox

    Approved Racism | 157007

    all in pov
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