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Search results

  1. Akali_Ryu

    Rejected Blacklisted for spreading cheats | lebron pluxury

    Hello admin team.hello dear Mazhor I got blacklisted for spreading cheats witch i didnt do .i have never played with cheats in my entire time on this beautiful project,i hv being framed by editing a conversation sent to lebron . I humbly request from u sir to unban me ,u can money wipe my...
  2. Akali_Ryu

    Rejected spreading cheats | Lebron Pluxury

    hello dear lebron , i found my self blacklisted for spreading cheats , i hv never sent or played with cheats my entire lifetime in the project, i hv been framed for something i didn't do . and i assure u mr lebron that i am saying the truth and only the truth, i request from u sir a pc check ...
  3. Akali_Ryu

    Rejected CB.4 | Unofficial Organization

    Family ranks: 1 Rookie (new fam member) 2 Junior (when the rookie start to understand city rules) 3 Senior (ability to participate in fam events) 4 Warrior (Attending the events regularly) 5 Turfer (aid in fam business and maintain it) 6 Warlord (maintain order.passing orders.to below ranks) 7...
  4. Akali_Ryu

    Rejected CB.4 | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: CB.4 Family Leader : Akali Ryu Family Leader ID : 138454 Family House Number:1139 Leader Discord: xakalix Leaders Forum: Akali_Ryu Family History: In the bustling streets of Casablanca, amidst the vibrant mix of cultures and communities, there exists a group of young men who...
  5. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed CR | ID 127893

    Close plz alredy got punished Approved - Gr 3.1 | ID 127191
  6. Akali_Ryu

    Approved Gz 1.1+CR | ID 64859

    All in pov
  7. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed CR | ID 127893

    all in pov
  8. Akali_Ryu

    Approved Gr 3.1 | ID 127191

    this id has being insulting me on my youtube chanel and on grand rp forumes Reviewed - Gr 6.10 | ID 127191 i need arabic admin plz
  9. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed Gr 6.10 | ID 127191

    u can see that he is promising me that if he ctachs me he will strangle me . are FIB agents like this dude
  10. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed PG+Fail rp+UB demand+mixing+abusing power | ID 127191

    sorry but im sure it s id : 127191 u can see that he already replied on my previous forum. if i was wrong i ll gladly change it. ty
  11. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed PG+Fail rp+UB demand+mixing+abusing power | ID 127191

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/665003/#post-2371735 Time fixed
  12. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed Gr 6.10 | ID 127191

    he insulted me again in my youtube channel
  13. Akali_Ryu

    Approved RDM+UB Demand | 122901+121943

    they demand me to leave while i was in front of my fam house.then they killed me so they can steal my car.all in pov
  14. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed Gr 6.10 | ID 127191

  15. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed Gr 6.10 | ID 127191

    he insulted me in arabic language in forumes.he moved our IC situation to OOC . need arabic admin plz
  16. Akali_Ryu

    Rejected Fail rp+UB demand+mixing+abusing power | ID 127191

    how did he know i got illegal items without searching me ?
  17. Akali_Ryu

    Rejected Fail rp+UB demand+mixing+abusing power | ID 127191

    after rechecking this dude is really targeting me i got him punished and now he seek revenge by abusing hes power as state employee https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/651585/#post-2336473
  18. Akali_Ryu

    Rejected Fail rp+UB demand+mixing+abusing power | ID 127191

    i v just got out of the black market.and this officer stopped my car engine then told me to leave . when i asked why he shoot me without warning then he handcuffed me whitout telling me why i got arrested . then told me i got arrested for speeding .how can anyone be arrested for speeding. With...
  19. Akali_Ryu

    Reviewed Powergaming+Metagaming+Fail RP+Provoking+FL+Mixing | ID: 127191

    all in pov -00.03 : FL. -00.27 : calling his friends to watch record+FL. -00.31 :again calling his friends to watch his stream +FL. -00.43:OOC+non RP calling wizard. -01.05: his friends came to kill us.
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