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Search results

  1. Kizo Azazel

    Approved RDM|388426,388716

    these guys are doing rdm in green zone. infront of me the stranger is killed by 388426,388716. take action for rules broker.
  2. Kizo Azazel

    Approved RDMand Mercy Killing|333134

    i am just chilling in my friend house area and that guy come and shoot me first and i dead. and i go back to my friend house he is shoot me again like that in pov.
  3. Kizo Azazel

    Approved RDM,UB Demand|386975

    first he want to buy scarp metal and i go to his location.He is trying to rob my scrap metal and then shot me like that in pov.
  4. Kizo Azazel

    Rejected CR|357571,RDM|196279

    they don't said sorry and that is not RP anymore. If u kill anyone and said sorry and then give patching is not the RP. Just be RP please.
  5. Kizo Azazel

    Rejected CR|357571,RDM|196279

    i am not doing vdm and cr if u have pov u can show admin
  6. Kizo Azazel

    Rejected CR|357571,RDM|196279

    They are trying to kill me no reason. all in pov pls check
  7. Kizo Azazel

    Rejected CR|357571,RDM|196279

    all in pov
  8. Kizo Azazel

    Approved RDM|334811

    RDM with proof in pov
  9. Kizo Azazel

    Approved CR|374876

    id:374876 is CR in chips tuning check in Pov please!
  10. Kizo Azazel

    Rejected CR

    id:374876 is CR in chips tuning check in proof please
  11. Kizo Azazel

    Rejected car ramming

    he is ramming god pls review
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