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  1. Maygay

    Rejected https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w8oJioRdUg

    Er hat mich als hurensohn bezeichnet aber er ist sebst einer
  2. Maygay

    Rejected Pov Request | 339942

  3. Maygay

    Rejected Ban for 6.19 + 5.3 I Sultan Pluxury

    Hello, I was banned for the word digga, it has nothing to do with the N word, it's a German word
  4. Maygay

    Rejected Ban for General rule 1.19 I Darsh Patel

    I already got 11 days for the n word and now I have another 3 days. I just apologized again for that sry it was wrong id
  5. Maygay

    Rejected Ban for General rule 1.19 I Darsh Patel

    I already got 11 days for the n word and now I have another 3 days. I just apologized again for that
  6. Maygay

    Rejected Ban for General rule 1.19

    I already got 11 days for the n word and now I have another 3 days. I just apologized again for that
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