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Search results

  1. D

    Rejected RDM | 380170 + 122585 + 357155

    Provide full pov you guys shot first and im the one in luminous trouser but where does it show that im shooting at any random person i was not the one who even killed the guy at end the whole time i had shotgun in hand and all you hear is revolver sounds
  2. D

    Reviewed Fear RP + RDM | ID 357155, 363886, 86733, 186720

    also if you clearly watch the video when they search me you can see they arent talking in game chat when telling me to drop weapons lots of MG in here
  3. D

    Reviewed Fear RP + RDM | ID 357155, 363886, 86733, 186720

    as you can see above his id there is clear an enemy mark
  4. D

    Reviewed Fear RP + RDM | ID 357155, 363886, 86733, 186720

    go back to bodycam and see above his head you will see enemy mark
  5. D

    Reviewed Fear RP + RDM | ID 357155, 363886, 86733, 186720

    clearly i checked id 277564 and he is our fam member Nearo
  6. D

    Reviewed Fear RP + RDM | ID 357155, 363886, 86733, 186720

    I already got punished for this.
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