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Search results

  1. D

    Rejected Leader Of Los Santos Vagos | Dhruv Mafia

    Information 1. Your name IRL: Dhruv Mahajan 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: GMT+5:30 4. Average online per day: 5-7 5. Your Discord: dhruvmahajn 6. Your Nickname: Dhruv Mafia 7. Your ID: 368262 Additional information 1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this...
  2. D

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Peren Hill

    I am extremely sorry that I have done fair rp while getting rob by ballas gang. I am extremely sorry for my mistake. I promise you that i will never do it again. If I will do you can permanently ban my account. Please remove my warning. I shall be grateful to you
  3. D

    Approved FAIL RP | 158358

    he should get punishment for this
  4. D

    Rejected No Mercy | Unofficial Organization

    best fam and leader ++
  5. D

    Rejected Leader of Los Santos Vagos | Rikz Broddy

    most deserving person ++
  6. D

    Rejected Leader of Los santos Vagos | Lalla badmosh

    I think he would be a good leader of vagos. Give him a chance
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