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Search results

  1. Lilith_Queen

    Rejected GR 1.7 | 372029

    same person robbed within 5min, in that this rob also no 51% gang cloth , all in pov
  2. Lilith_Queen

    Rejected GR 1.7 | 372029

    hi there, all in pov ( its not any blackmagic or glitch other rob pov to uploaded pls check)
  3. Lilith_Queen

    Rejected Leader of Ballas | Morad Armani

    All the best moard :)
  4. Lilith_Queen

    Rejected PG | 347811/ 349877 / 314958 / 372029 / 393827

    robbed me twice in same time same people and without telling pickpocketing ...
  5. Lilith_Queen

    Rejected N-word I 9438 / 162225

    hello admin, I just flew city happily this both guys made me me upset calling a b***:mad: and provking me, all in pov
  6. Lilith_Queen

    Approved RDM | 242645

    Hello Admins, he did CR near higway then RDM.. Pls Check Pov..
  7. Lilith_Queen

    Approved VDM CR | 378878

    hi there, this guy killed level 1 player while she was giving ride to me in scoter, and trying to kill me and CR, all in pov
  8. Lilith_Queen

    Approved MASS CR | 388972

    hi there, all in pov..
  9. Lilith_Queen

    Approved MASS CR | 356587

    hi there, all in pov
  10. Lilith_Queen

    Approved Shooting In City | 101112

    hi admins, this guy did CR and killed me in city near PH without any demands..
  11. Lilith_Queen

    Approved Shooting in Gz/Weapon Assembly | ID: 253284

    Hi admins, I was repairing my gun at the weapon assembly when this guy came and annoyed me and killed me without a reason or warning. Please check the proofs.
  12. Lilith_Queen

    Rejected VDM

  13. Lilith_Queen

    Rejected without a reason got cr

    i was going election job 2 random players with deferent car crushing my car i stop admin came put me in jail .. i was serching parking.. check admin pov did i crush them ? pls ask what happened before punishing ;(
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