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  1. E

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 1.7 | Giri King

    Pov link is bugged here new Link :
  2. E

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 1.7 | Giri King

    Hello dear Lebron, I received a POV request yesterday evening which was accepted, but in my defence I have to say that I probably have a different time zone than other players I watched the European Championships and was no longer on the PC. I wanted to log in this morning and saw that I was...
  3. E

    Rejected Ban for ER 1.7 | Giri King

    Hello dear Lebron, I received a POV request yesterday evening which was accepted, but in my defence I have to say that I probably have a different time zone than other players and that's why I have to time yesterday I watched the European Championships and was no longer on the PC. I wanted to...
  4. E

    Rejected Cheat | 0000

    i dont know if you are dumb ? but you can see the Person he is shooting on and the Person jsut desynct mf Retards
  5. E

    Rejected Warn for Gen. Rule 6.5 | Hussein Ilya

    Dear Lebron , I know that I made a big mistake and shot two people in the city just like that. I wasn't concentrating at the time and was hit by the person I killed in the clip, which made me very angry, but I didn't know that this person is a medic otherwise I would never have shot I just hope...
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    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

    https://streamable.com/gedg7t here my pov
  7. E

    Reviewed Ban for Pending PC Check| Lebron Pluxury

    Today I was banned by lebron pluxury for pending pc check, I've never been in a situation like this, so I don't know what to do right now my name and Ingame id willma weedrauchen | 146763 Lebron my dc @sny.7 you can contact me there, and we can do the pc check
  8. E

    Rejected Ban für AR§1.4 Twinking| Nanakamado Zenin

    Wie lang wurdest du gebannt?: 60 Tage Wie lang läuft deine Strafe noch? 51 Wieso sollten wir dich entbannen? Hallo liebes Admin Team, ich habe einen Fehler begangen, indem ich mir 3 Accounts erstellt habe und es nicht administrativ gemeldet hatte zudem Zeitpunkt war ich mir dem Fehler noch gar...
  9. E

    Rejected POV Anfrage Einfluss

    Naja geht schwer das ich die Pov im gleichen Moment reinsende denk mal nach
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    Rejected POV Anfrage Einfluss

    Der Admin hat doch da erst die Nachricht reingesendet hä
  11. E

    Rejected POV Anfrage Einfluss

    Watch SORRY DACHTE WAR THE VOICE KIDS -🚬🚬✌ | Streamable Hier seine POV
  12. E

    Rejected 4.1 Cheating

    Watch Smoke🚬 | Streamable Hier gerne 😎
  13. E

    Rejected Bann für Cheats | Cristoph Contro | @Jonathan Breitling

    Deine ID:99993 Der Name des Admins, der dich sanktioniert hat: Cristoph Contro Welche Sanktion hast du bekommen, wie hoch war das Strafmaß? Pc Check Positiv 60 Tage Beweis in Form von Videomaterial oder Bildern (Im besten falle auch deine POV) : 5.Wie ist die Situation zustande gekommen...
  14. E

    Rejected Bann für Cheats | Cristoph Contro

    Deine ID:99993 Der Name des Admins, der dich sanktioniert hat: Cristoph Contro Welche Sanktion hast du bekommen, wie hoch war das Strafmaß? Pc Check Positiv 60 Tage Beweis in Form von Videomaterial oder Bildern (Im besten falle auch deine POV). Wie ist die Situation zustande gekommen und was...
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