My ID : 35378
Name of Admin : Joe Savage
Sanction: 60 Days Lottery Bugabuse
Hello dear admin team / Mr. Mazhor,
I have been banned because of lottery bug abuse by Mr. Joe Savage although I bought the lottery tickets for the normal price for $10,000 and that in a lottery...
Name: Anna Lieblich
Wie lange wurdest du gebannt?: 60 Tage
Wie lange sitzt du deine Strafe noch?: 60 Tage
Hallo liebes Adminteam / Herr Mazhor, Ich bin gebannt worden wegen Lottery Bugabuse von Herrn Joe Savage obwohl ich die Lotterylose für den normalen Preis eingekauft habe um...
My ID : 35378
Name of Admin : Joe Savage
Sanction: 60 Days Lottery Bugabuse
Hello dear admin team / Mr. Mazhor,
I have been banned because of lottery bug abuse by Mr. Joe Savage although I bought the lottery tickets for the normal price for $10,000 and that in a lottery...
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