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Search results

  1. D

    Reviewed RDM | 112173

    Are you thinking straight? A bunch of people are ramming me down with their cars without any provocation. How am I supposed to talk to them? They hit me so many times, my HP was too low to offer any demands. So I ran away. But they chased me down with an intention to kill me. It was do or die...
  2. D

    Reviewed RDM | 112173

    I am making a complaint regarding 3 players here who I believe were working as a team to kill off random people walking on the street and that too without any provocation or any RP. I felt like I am playing GTA online for a moment where random people can kill you. It's been happening quite...
  3. D

    Rejected VDM | 154938; VDM | 119127; RM | 112173

    I am making a complaint regarding 3 players here who I believe were working as a team to kill off random people walking on the street and that too without any provocation or any RP. I felt like I am playing GTA online for a moment where random people can kill you. It's been happening quite...
  4. D

    Rejected RDM | 113226

    I was just minding my business, looking into the map for next destination, when this guy came from nowhere, stopped the vehicle, and BOOM...he wasted me for no reason and without any dialogue. That's why I am here to complain about this guy.
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