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  1. L

    Reviewed racism | 0000

    someone insulted me with a racist word in a text message His phone number is 1530511 I don't understand who he is and why he acted like that.
  2. L

    Rejected racism | 1530511

    someone insulted me with a racist word in a text message His phone number is 1530511 I don't understand who he is and why he acted like that.
  3. L

    Rejected Racist Discourse

    someone insulted me with a racist word in a text message His phone number is 1530511 I don't understand who he is and why he acted like that.
  4. L

    Rejected racist discourse

    Birisi mesajlarda ırkçı bir kelimeyle bana hakaret etti. Telefon numarası 1530511. Kimliğini bilmiyorum, sadece telefon numaram var.
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