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  1. Lucius90

    Approved Random Punching + VDM I 279996

    All in pov
  2. Lucius90

    Rejected CR II 393836

    All in pov..
  3. Lucius90

    Approved E.R 1.15 | 381118 + 386629 + 384782 + 357362

    I attended this event for the first time. I have already received my punishment. During the event..
  4. Lucius90

    Approved GR 6.24 II 10195

    All in pov...
  5. Lucius90

    Approved GZ 1.1 I Random Punching I RDM I 68108

    All in pov..
  6. Lucius90

    Approved GR 6.24 II 71652

    All in pov..
  7. Lucius90

    Reviewed 3.1 6.9 6.24 CR Provoking II 198112 II 199082

    While I was doing my job as a taxi driver, they bullied me and two people started hitting my car. When I said I would send you to the forum later, he said in other languages, "You can't do anything to me, I'm a premium member." He then insulted me, made pornographic noises, hit me with his car...
  8. Lucius90

    Reviewed GR 3.1 II 3.2 II 358158

    All in pov.. OOC 3.1 3.2 turkish admin
  9. Lucius90

    Rejected GR 3.1 + Provoking Sierra Victor

    And it's always the same person who sends the report!! If you examine the two issues I gave above, you will see the truth. The same scene is constantly spammed by the same person Thank you for your interest
  10. Lucius90

    Rejected GR 3.1 + Provoking Sierra Victor

    I have no objection to the first 7-day sentence I received. An incident that I was curious about and asked you administrators about happened on 22.05.2024 at 23:48, the same user shared it in his first report and I was banned. Later, even though 3-4 days have passed since the incident, he...
  11. Lucius90

    Approved RDM I 385321

    all in pov
  12. Lucius90

    Rejected GR 3.1 + Provoking Sierra Victor

    I had been punished for the same evidence before. They are a group of friends whose sole purpose in the game is to troll people. Now they reposted the same video from a different angle about half an hour ago. Does this mean I can ban people forever based on the same evidence? Half an hour ago...
  13. Lucius90

    Approved GR 3.1, 3.2 I FailRP I 306017

    Everything is in perspective please Turkish Admin
  14. Lucius90

    Approved GR 3.1, 3.2 I Fail RP I Toxic I 292475 I 261438 I 306017 I 339936

    The people in the video block our way, curse our family values, kill us and stab my friend. They trolled our game and made the game almost unplayable by insulting us for no apparent reason. The server is starting to get worse because of this and similar players. Thank you in advance for your...
  15. Lucius90

    Rejected Fail RP / Toxic in / 292475 /306017 / 261438 / 339936

    It is clear that the people in the video attacked the Forum thread with false information to avoid being banned. However, a few minutes before this incident, they blocked our way for no reason, hurled poisonous behavior and insults, pulled out a gun and killed us. You see that they are not as...
  16. Lucius90

    Approved VDM | 261438

    I'm so tired of people's bullying like this that I'm almost about to delete the game. Moreover, they are doing this bullying in the green zone, won't there be a punishment for this?
  17. Lucius90

    Rejected Bullying in safe zone

    I'm so tired of people's bullying like this that I'm almost about to delete the game. Moreover, they are doing this bullying in the green zone, won't there be a punishment for this?
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