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  1. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected Warn For MK | Uzair Gravitas

    Close it please
  2. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected Warn For MK | Uzair Gravitas

    This is the thread i got punished for Thread 'MK | 0000 | trolling | 317912' Reviewed - MK | 0000 | trolling | 317912 i hope you would be kind enough to take a look at the sit and reconsider the punishment and if possible remove one of my warnings and jail time
  3. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected Warn For MK | Uzair Gravitas

    Hello Today I Got Punished For if u see the pov in 0.5x u can see i didnt even had my gun out when he got finished so how can i get warning for fail rp and mk . and about the fail rp i didnt even killed him once how can i get fail rp and about the mixing i did and im sorry for that .
  4. Rafid Jodd

    Reviewed MK | 0000

    You can see in the pov i killed 6 people and 1 guy from bridge mked 5 of them . also all of them were from families gang and i am pretty sure they were metagaming .
  5. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected CL | 120432

    All in pov
  6. Rafid Jodd

    Approved Mass OOC Insult | 402480

    all in pov
  7. Rafid Jodd

    Reviewed Warn For MK | Radahn Herbyy

    Hello Today I Got Warning For This Approved - MK | 335344 But In My Eyes It Semmed Like He Got Out Of Car To Shoot Me Back So I Shot Him I Didnt Had Any Intention to MK Him As You Can See In The Pov . Please Remove My Warn And Jail Time Thanks .
  8. Rafid Jodd

    Approved Bug Abuse | 404495

    all in pov . sorry for the mic static noise
  9. Rafid Jodd

    Reviewed POV REQ | 0000

    I want to see how did i die behind container
  10. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

    close it i again messed up violation the time
  11. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

    I want to see how did i die behind container
  12. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

    Violation time was 14:43 sorry for the mistake
  13. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected POV REQ | 0000

    all in pov
  14. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected Fear rp | 357301,189033

    check your F12 muscle distance the only one i heard giving me demands was the jagular Guy
  15. Rafid Jodd

    Rejected Fear rp | 357301,189033

    When u guys gave me demands there was only 2 people in one car so i started shooting when almost got one of u down y all arrived at situation and after i started shooting theres no way for me to look back
  16. Rafid Jodd

    Approved E.R 1.2 + MK | 368981

    He killed me after cland was finished and And After killing He Did Mk As Well
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