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Search results

  1. C

    Approved RDM | 257917

    all in POV no warning he just shot me to death
  2. C

    Approved UB driving | 209965

    all in POV
  3. C

    Rejected VDM | 404576

    all in POV thank you
  4. C

    Rejected RDM | 190594 | 252156

    its all POV i was driving and they start shooting for no reason i went back to make sure that i got thier ID's
  5. C

    Rejected Fail Rp | 293378

    i was not in his house i was just standing on street and as you can see in POV his friend hit me made come closer to hit house its scripted scenario by them i was just standing there didn't do anything he said he would kill but he didn't gave me 5 sec to leave its public street he doesn't even...
  6. C

    Rejected RDM Random hitting with bat | 293378

    i was just standing on the street and the guy is very aggressive his friend hit my character and he started like to hit me with bat he threatened if i enter his house he's gonna kill me like no demands or anything i was just standing on the streets its all in POV
  7. C

    Rejected Admin Application | Cobra Magz

    Information 1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): Yes (28 years old) 2. Time zone: GMT+2 3. Daily time active on the server (XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM): 8:00-14:00 16:00-20:00 mid-week, 7:00 - 19:00 at the weekend 4. Average online per week (hours): 40 - 60 hours , sometimes more than that 5. Your...
  8. C

    Approved 321522 , 332951| Ub Demand, Rdm

    i did not shoot you before the 5 sec check your video good and you got 2 warning not one so we were kind to give another chance to leave but you didn't and 10 sec before that you VDM us we were riding motorcycles so bring you full video next time don't do cutting
  9. C

    Rejected Rule Break | Freija Jinn

    Hello i just got in a gang and i was having with cops then admin jailed me 120 min for Fail RP then he showed up to my cell started talking Turkish i asked admins they said i cant speak other language its English server why admin don't follow rules is it ok for them to do so and me as player no...
  10. C

    Rejected Speaking other language undeserved punishment

    Hello i just got in a gang and i was having with cops then admin jailed me 120 min for Fail RP then he showed up to my cell started talking Turkish i asked admins they said i cant speak other language its English server why admin don't follow rules is it ok for them to do so and me as player no...
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