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Search results

  1. H

    Rejected Admin Application | SIR HeMx

    1. Your name IRL: Faris Alsaheel 2. Your age: 17 3. Time zone: US EST 4. Average online per day: 5-7 hours 5. Your Discord: HeMx#1916 6. Your Nickname: SIR HeMx 7. Your ID: 96967 additional information i would like to be a staff member on here gbecause i like helping people, i also find my...
  2. H

    Rejected Admin application

    hello i am hemx and my discord is HeMx#1916 i have played in many roleplay servers before and been a staff member in other servers. i hav retired from all of them and have nevber been removed from staff. i would like to be starff because i think i could help and improve the server in alot of...
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