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Search results

  1. I

    Rejected punishment objection GR 6.15 - Satriko Narcos

    Approved - FAIL RP | RDM | 393042 this one I m doing objection
  2. I

    Rejected punishment objection GR 6.15 - Satriko Narcos

    We are doing panel raid and when they land with chopper I was wait him to land than he shoot first I cant give him demands when he shooting right ? you can see panels in pov and you can see they land in chopper
  3. I

    Rejected ID 259817 and ID 377714 - BUG ABUSE AND NLR

    need rewiev...
  4. I

    Rejected ID 259817 and ID 377714 - BUG ABUSE AND NLR

    all in pov in - first pov I killed that guy and he s doing nlr he s death 13:54 and he s coming 13:59 again other guy came 13:55 and he s death and he doing f1 bug and came back at 13:59 all in pov pov 2 is here
  5. I

    Rejected ID 377714 - bug abuse

    I dont know which rule f1 bug he s death and doing f1 I m a new at from I dont know all rules name you guys make right call
  6. I

    Rejected GR 3.1 - 3.2 - ID: 354519

    all in pov turkish admin please
  7. I

    Reviewed ID 306240 - RDM

  8. I

    Reviewed ID 306240 - RDM

    how can u did the see guns :DDDD we didnt have any gun
  9. I

    Reviewed ID 306240 - RDM

    there s no mixing and meta gaming I wasnt land I just going around and they shooting
  10. I

    Reviewed ID 306240 - RDM

    All in pov
  11. I

    Approved fail rp - 59512

    we are doing panel defence and that guy is came and I gave him demand and he said you cant gave demands and doing fail rp you can see in the video
  12. I

    Rejected fail rp

    we are doing panel defence and that guy is came and I gave him demand and he said you cant gave demands and doing fail rp you can see in the video
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