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  1. Tevdora

    Reviewed ER 1.13 | ID - 147984,164417,138346,140170,34872,94248

    are you that mad you made second forum?
  2. Tevdora

    Reviewed ER 1.13 | 164417

    itire patarav
  3. Tevdora

    Rejected Mass rule break E.R 1.13 | 94248

    just replied just incase he edits calling us idiots wich is insult on forum i think he should recive warning on forum bc of that
  4. Tevdora

    Reviewed RDM + Women Harassment | 164417

    lol taking ic to ooc?
  5. Tevdora

    Reviewed RDM + Women Harassment | 164417

    then dont tell me why i called you that
  6. Tevdora

    Reviewed RDM + Women Harassment | 164417

    also as we can see lot of ppl insult you because you always think bc your girl your better then others and insult other ppl parents :)
  7. Tevdora

    Reviewed RDM + Women Harassment | 164417

    before saying all that realize that when you insult persons parents it is normal that they will insult you ;)
  8. Tevdora

    Rejected Vdm | 122122

    all in pov
  9. Tevdora

    Approved ER 1.13 | 164417

    hasnt 4 hours passed? it shows you have posted at today 5:57 AM at the moment it is 10:06 AM
  10. Tevdora

    Approved ER 1.13 | 164417

    i was the one that started shooting and family shouldnt get punished for something i did other then that i have nothing to say😉
  11. Tevdora

    Approved Possible Cheats | 165001

    if he aint cheating idk bro they have been killing whole ghetto
  12. Tevdora

    Approved Possible Cheats | 165001

    all in pov
  13. Tevdora

    Reviewed RDM | 112726

    yes he gave demands but you can see as soon as demands are given i put my gun inside and start to leave the place but he starts shooting at me before the count down of 5 seconds are done starts shooting at me when he says 3 not giving me time to leave the area
  14. Tevdora

    Rejected MK | 150875 , 140117

    all in pov
  15. Tevdora

    Rejected MK | 150875 , 140117

    close the thread made it on en1 instead of en 2 :D
  16. Tevdora

    Rejected MK | 150875 , 140117

    All in pov
  17. Tevdora

    Reviewed Anti Cheat #1004 | Napal Fedorov

    i am really sorry for what i have done i was just messing around with my friend didnt think it whould go this far. if it whould be possible for me to get unbanned i whould be really happy. i aggre to money wipe if getting unbanned.
  18. Tevdora

    Approved Rdm / 336452

    you clearly see 1 minute left at that time demands are given and there is lot of ppl shooting so iti s normal you get shot ? because how is he supposed to know you aint shooting? also telling taxi driver to break random punching rule , and fear rp? thats interesting also why you go with taxi? oh...
  19. Tevdora

    Rejected GR 3.1 + 3.2 | 302574

    he posted a forum where i am bug abusing where in video you can see he is swearing at me in turkish on discord wich is ooc insult Approved - Bug Abuse | 338091 Need a turkish admin to review
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