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Search results

  1. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.4 | Nik Payne

    Recently i got banned for breaking rule GR 1.4. I will explain here My first main id ( 153690 ) got banned for 1.3 perma. Then i start playing on my twink id (162449) . These both id a created on one social club. My next id 189698 is my another id recognize as my main id because it was my...
  2. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Gr 1.4 | Nik Payne

    this is my main account but it ban for 1.3 then i buy new game and make new steam account and then twink is my main and i make new twink i will give u all information come on mails plzzzzz see this forum as soon as poosible
  3. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Gr 1.4 | Nik Payne

    this is my main account but it ban for 1.3 then i buy new game and make new steam account and then twink is my main and i make new twink i will give u all information come on mails plzzzzz see this forum as soon as poosible
  4. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Gr 1.4 | Arthur Mack

    this is my main account but it ban for 1.3 then i buy new game and make new steam account and teh twink is my main and i make new twink i will give u all information coem on mails plzzzzz see this forum as soon as poosible
  5. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Gr 1.4 | Nik Payne

    according to gr 1.4 main account got 60 days ban they u give me perma ban in my my account
  6. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Gr 1.4 | Nik Payne

    i got perma ban unban me i am ready for money wipe
  7. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed bug abuse,rdm |162204,176339

    bro he sit mistakely its not bug abbuse xd bro first learn the rules
  8. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Gr 1.3 | 0000

    bro scaming is scaming if its is 1 dollar
  9. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected Gr 1.3 | 0000

    he put wires but not same price all in pov he is doing scamming
  10. Tichku Xpanda

    Rejected GR 3.1 + 3.2 | 189698

    lol u npc ist slaing first learn the rules
  11. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed GZ 1.1+ Cheats | 189698

    bro i am in legal org xd
  12. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed GZ 1.1+ Cheats | 189698

    bro put 1 minute pov before kill
  13. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed 0000

    bro i am in lrgal org thats why i shoot u
  14. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed 0000

    bro i am toseef friend close the forum now
  15. Tichku Xpanda

    Approved Gz 1.1 | 170705

    second pov
  16. Tichku Xpanda

    Approved Gz 1.1 | 170705

    he cuff me and he kill me in beach market
  17. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed VDM | 162449

  18. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed VDM | 162449

  19. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed VDM | 162449

    i just got warning u got ban bro
  20. Tichku Xpanda

    Reviewed VDM | 162449

    i said u u aslo punished bcz u rob car in unscriptted green zone
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