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  1. T

    Pending review Unban appeal for talking politics | King Specter

    In your eyes? You can't ban me because YOU think it's wrong I'm a relatively new player and have read the rules, there is NO rule about talking politics... if there is one, show me If there was a rule, i would have read it and not said those things.
  2. T

    Pending review Unban appeal for talking politics | King Specter

    If anything it was mixing which as far as i'm aware is a mute and not a ban... make it make sense
  3. T

    Pending review Unban appeal for talking politics | King Specter

    Less than what i deserve? For breaking a non existent rule? There is literally no rule anywhere that says i can't talk about politics(which i didn't even) You're trying to justify it because of what i called King Charles which just baffles me.... And again, like i said, they're not...
  4. T

    Pending review Unban appeal for talking politics | King Specter

    Original Video Would also like to add that i've never had a ban for anything and have only been in trouble with admins once for CR which was a mistake..served time in admin jail for it...
  5. T

    Pending review Unban appeal for talking politics | King Specter

    As the title says.... Was talking about the UK royal family(not politics/politicians) and got banned. Called the king something i probably shouldn't have but it isn't/wasn't politics... Got a straight 30 day ban with no warning or anything... can call someone the n, f or r word and get a 1-3...
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