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Search results

  1. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.15 + Gen Rule 6.4 + PG | 149866 + 148488 + 182392 + 179103 + 148488 + 164636

    1. Demands – Show me a single bodycam clip where you or anyone else gave me demands. You keep talking about demands, but there’s zero proof of them being given before shots were fired. 2. Second POV – Even in the other POV, no demands were given before shooting. I wasn’t told to pull over, I...
  2. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.15 + Gen Rule 6.4 + PG | 149866 + 148488 + 182392 + 179103 + 148488 + 164636

    I That is why I say, if you do not have knowledge about something, you should avoid speaking about it. Gain more knowledge first, then come back and speak, or send someone who truly understands the matter to handle it. If you want to gain more knowledge about the rules and how they work, feel...
  3. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.15 + Gen Rule 6.4 + PG | 149866 + 148488 + 182392 + 179103 + 148488 + 164636

    As you can see in my POV, I was shot without any reason or prior demand from law enforcement officers. In the second POV, you can clearly see that I was cuffed and searched without any reason and again released me which is clearly violation of GR 6.4 as well as shooting someone in ghetto being...
  4. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Del Federal

    For the context: Rejected - Ban For GR 3.2 + Wrong Decision | Del Federal as far as ik it was an RP scenario
  5. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Del Federal

    I haven't got the explanation about the opponent guy against whom I have made the forum. For more context please take the refrence of my last forum and let me know why it was not an RP scenario
  6. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Ban For GR 3.2 + Wrong Decision | Del Federal

    Lemme clear out, why it was an RP scenario or situation. I was in an active RP interaction with him when he went AFK. He had already responded IC by saying he left his passport at home. I continued questioning him, but he stopped responding and went AFK without any IC reason. This is a clear...
  7. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Ban For GR 3.2 + Wrong Decision | Del Federal

    Good Morning Pablo, I have made a forum for for GR 6.2 which got rejected and the reason was that there was no RP situation goin' on. My first question, what is an RP situation, I went there for getting hired which itself is an RP Situation. Secondly, when he refused to show the passport and I...
  8. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.2 | 144112

    So the guy with the ID 144112 was involved in an RP situation with me, but all of a sudden, when I asked for the passport from him, he said it's at home, and then I was just trying to get his info or identity in any possible way, but he went AFK without completing the whole RP situation. In...
  9. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Ban For GR 4.1 | Alan Federal

    I am ready to do whatever you say
  10. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Ban For GR 4.1 | Alan Federal

    Please give me one last chance please. I got permanent ban please reduce it please. Please give me one last chance only last. 6 months is completed today It was my first punishment and I was not aware on that time that If i use this I will get ban also i only use it for max 3-4x not more than...
  11. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Ban For GR 4.1 | Alan Federal

    Also, I have served as a 4x Undersheriff 1x DCOP Currently serving as a Deputy Director of FIB ( I have gained a trust, and I ensure that I won't let you down)
  12. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Ban For GR 4.1 | Alan Federal

    Dear Pablo, I hope you are doing well. As I plan to leave the game in the next 2 or 3 months, I want to end my journey on a positive note by leading a state organization. However, my main account’s ban is a major problem. I sincerely regret my mistake and take full responsibility. It has been...
  13. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Rejected Leader Application | State Curators

    I have been into state from a long time. I served multiple times as successful deputy which resulted into multiple successful terms and now also, I am serving as a deputy. I know, I am banned in main account but kindly, check my punishment history once at least and then decide. I am not asking...
  14. Alan_Degrey

    IMPORTANT Applications for FIB

    Information 1. Your name IRL: Ashu Dhillon 2. Your IRL age: 20 3. Time zone: GMT+5:30 4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours 5. Your Discord: alan_degrey 6. Your Nickname: Alan Degrayy 7. Your ID: 175769 Additional information 1. Director of Federal Investigation Bureau 2. Why do you want to...
  15. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 4.1 (Macro) | Alan Federal

    close please
  16. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 4.1 (Macro) | Alan Federal

    *alan federal
  17. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 4.1 (Macro) | Alan Federal

    Title: Ban For General Rule 4.1 | Alan Degray
  18. Alan_Degrey

    Rejected Gen Rule 4.1 (Macro) | Alan Federal

    I have made the multiple appeals from past 3.5 months, please give me a chance once please. I am agree for your all the terms and condition but please unban me
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