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Search results

  1. tysonsam28

    Rejected 340654 | RDM

    All In POV
  2. tysonsam28

    Approved RDM | 173965

    we were arresting on person suddenly this id 173965 shooting on us without any reason
  3. tysonsam28

    Rejected RDM 420458 | 421778 | 435373

    we have arrested this id 401177 for PC 2.11.1 Reckless Driving and he also was involved and i requested his POV also weather he involved in this scenario and there family members came and try to escape him in the end of video u can c they killed him bcoz he was cuffed 401177 420458 421778 435373
  4. tysonsam28

    Reviewed UB heli | 71030

    all in pov
  5. tysonsam28

    Reviewed RDM AND MK |393448

    Dear admin I'm the leader of my family my id is 404960 tyson sam i came here to complain about this id 393448 enters our property and provoking us every time i wll share the link that u can check how they are targeting our family mostly this forum is filled with our complaint and before that...
  6. tysonsam28

    Approved ☺ER 1.6 | 106153

    using lmg inside the circle all in POV
  7. tysonsam28

    Approved ER 1.1 | 108169, 153680

    ER 1.1 teaming all in POV
  8. tysonsam28

    Reviewed ER.1.6 | 346875

    as per the Event Rule 1.6 LMG is not allowed in red circle zone Kindly request his POV also
  9. tysonsam28

    Approved BAN for GR 1.1 404960 | Jessica ODDs

    dear admin i got permanent ban for GR 1.1 i never share my account with anyone else i have twin account i never use tat also last 6mnths i started to play in this game i was working in Qatar as a fireman 2mnth i went for vacation to India i login from India also i used to play with my mobile...
  10. tysonsam28

    Rejected RDM | 384152,399448,334391

    Hey kid how could i talk after death so you don't no the basic rules of the game that we can't talk after Death.and in that POV he is asking me where is the solar . listen first u said leave the area we came for solar raid And he did demorgan and manipulating saying that der was a solar but...
  11. tysonsam28

    Rejected RDM | 384152,399448,334391

    They kill me without any reason in front of house 0:44 they said they came for solar raid but there was no solar 1:42 they are saying that they plant solar here Why they are planting solar in front of my house 2:55 id : 399448 And he said that he has a POV that there is a solar and I request...
  12. tysonsam28

    Rejected using hack | 397909

    he killed me when i was in cover and im requesting his POV also
  13. tysonsam28

    Approved Fail rp | 399448

    speaking in mic after dead all in pov
  14. tysonsam28

    Rejected RDM | 413520

    all in pov he shot we without waring i was doing my post office delivery all in pov he shot we without waring i was doing my post office delivery
  15. tysonsam28

    Rejected RDM

    all in pov he shot we without waring i was doing my post office delivery
  16. tysonsam28

    Rejected RDM

    all in pov i was doing my postoffice businees shot without warning in greenzone
  17. tysonsam28

    Reviewed ER 1.18 | 26290,338954,39158

    yesterday we got ER 1.18 2day how dey get on roof while doing family raid
  18. tysonsam28

    Reviewed POV request I 347697;404960;404965;204528;393745

    dear admin u can check my pc :)
  19. tysonsam28

    Reviewed POV request I 347697;404960;404965;204528;393745

    [/MEDIA] here is my pov
  20. tysonsam28

    Reviewed POV request I 347697;404960;404965;204528;393745

    i have POV any 1 can check weather im using cheats or not :LOL:
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