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  1. R

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.1 | Mohamed Pluxury & Alex Odd

    yes i admit that ive made the mistake but not on purpose i swear, im not dumb to get myself banned for such reason we just didnt know anything literally anything about roleplaying or grand rp in general, i even made a thread on forums explaining what happened and the story behind my ban even...
  2. R

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.1 | Mohamed Pluxury & Alex Odd

    hello to any administrator reading my appeal, i hope you are doing well. i know i broke the GR 1.1 rule on my first day on the server and i admit it. im not arguing in my ban appeal or saying i didndt do it i know i did this. i just want a second chance people make mistakes wether its on purpose...
  3. R

    Rejected Ban for GR1.1 | Mohamed Pluxury

    Hello dear admins i started playing Grand RP in November 2023 and had a lot of fun making memories and friends. i convinced my brother to join and since we had one steam account with family sharing enabled, we used the same GTA V account. we were completely new to roleplaying and didnt know...
  4. R

    Rejected Unban appeal - GR1.1 - Mohamed Pluxury

    its been almost 9months now since my ban , my brother and i didnt know that sharing the same steam account is banable and we are really sorry for that. we have learned our lesson and i kindly ask for a second chance to play again with no more mistakes, i really want to back with my friends and...
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