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Search results

  1. A

    Approved rdm and tries pickpockt me (ID:98780)

    As you can see in POV when I was sleeping in my house, commt this strenger kill me and tries to pickpoct me
  2. A

    Approved RDM (ID:65382)

    killed me in city
  3. A

    Rejected RDM

    killed me in city
  4. A

    Rejected CR

    they shoted me at the first without any demands they didnt ask me to pullover they started car ramming me after that they shot me while they are robbing me and at the end you can see one of them teling me wait i will still cash and the other teling me to leave in 5s !!!
  5. A

    Approved RDM (ID:49578)

    rdm at beachmarkt
  6. A

    Reviewed rdm in at bech markt

    killing in green zone
  7. A

    Approved RDM in CITY | ID 146965 , ID 147142 , ID 134836 , ID 101418

    littel kidssssssssssssss hahaha
  8. A

    Approved RDM in CITY | ID 146965 , ID 147142 , ID 134836 , ID 101418

  9. A

    Approved RDM in CITY | ID 146965 , ID 147142 , ID 134836 , ID 101418

    that's honor thing if you tell me fuck mom in your languge then I kill you I think you have no thing to do with honor because you say something like that to other people you littel kinds
  10. A

    Approved RDM in CITY | ID 146965 , ID 147142 , ID 134836 , ID 101418

    ya i kellied you becouse you seyd me amk its ok now we see waht the admin hier dowing and i hope that one admin the turkish undersand that video chekct and now you can kepp crwing hier
  11. A

    Approved RDM in CITY | ID 146965 , ID 147142 , ID 134836 , ID 101418

    its ok now do your foram and if the admin acsept that i do my than you have 1 week block and you cant sey me amk becouse i dont seyd anything about youe fameile
  12. A

    Approved RDM in CITY | ID 146965 , ID 147142 , ID 134836 , ID 101418

    i have pov if the admin acsept yor fotm than we do user pov and we do form agenst in my pov you seyd us amk and that mean fuck mom in eglish than you broks the respect rolles
  13. A

    Approved RDM in CITY | ID 146965 , ID 147142 , ID 134836 , ID 101418

    your friends come to stelling our solar panels we give demorgen and we kill them .then you come and help these people then we can also kill you afterwards if we reveit. you say in turkish languche fuck mom and then you come here crying . I hope that the admin will get a translator and translate...
  14. A

    Approved POV request | 159556

    POV request
  15. A

    Rejected POV request | 86785

    your famiele always make against us CR and now only because you have lost you come here crying ,, I think you have to control your driv skills first
  16. A

    Rejected rdm and vdm in green zone (parking)

    he shoots me into parking (green zone) when I put my car without grumbling
  17. A

    Rejected rdm

    sombody killed me but icant see him
  18. A

    Rejected IDs: 86721 -108076- 98824- 83567 /RDM

    you are diso and pussy with rp your are nochting all waht you can its rdm
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