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Search results

  1. Don Pluxury

    On consideration RDM | 138423

    On Consideration
  2. Don Pluxury

    Rejected Mass rule break + GH 1.4 | 195962 , 194232 , 196206 , 195744

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Deny this report. Thread Closed on owner's request
  3. Don Pluxury

    Approved Gr 3.1 | 181435

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 181435 will receive a punishment for GR 3.1 (As seen in the Proof ID 181435 did GR 3.1)
  4. Don Pluxury

    Approved Fail RP | ID-59334

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 59334 will receive a punishment for Fail RP (As seen in the Proof ID 59334 did Fail RP)
  5. Don Pluxury

    Approved Gr 3.1 | 181435

    On Consideration
  6. Don Pluxury

    Approved Fail RP | ID-59334

    On Consideration
  7. Don Pluxury

    Rejected Vdm + Gh 1.3 | 181486 , 192386

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Deny this report. Thread Closed on owner's request
  8. Don Pluxury

    Rejected Vdm + Gh 1.3 | 181486 , 192386

    On Consideration
  9. Don Pluxury

    Reviewed Pov Request | 196994

    Thread Reviewed ID 196994 already got banned from the server.
  10. Don Pluxury

    Approved UB Demand + RDM | 121878 + 193926

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 191497 will receive a punishment for RDM (As seen in the POV ID did RDM at 0:03) -ID 121878 will receive a punishment for UB Demands (As seen in the POV ID gave UB Demands at 0:07) -ID 193926 will receive a punishment for...
  11. Don Pluxury

    Approved GR 3.1 + Random punch | 276

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 276 will receive a punishment for GR 3.1+Random Punching (As seen in the POV ID 276 did Gr 3.1+Random Punching at 0:06) -Unbanned 207
  12. Don Pluxury

    Approved GR 3.1 + Random punch | 276

    Thread Re-opened
  13. Don Pluxury

    Reviewed Pov Request | 196994

    Requesting ID 196994 to provide Full POV of the same event (You have 8 hours to provide the same)
  14. Don Pluxury

    Reviewed Pov Request | 196994

    On Consideration
  15. Don Pluxury

    Approved GR 3.1 + Random punch | 276

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 207 will receive a punishment for GR 3.1+Random Punching (As seen in the POV ID 276 did Gr 3.1+Random Punching at 0:06)
  16. Don Pluxury

    Reviewed GH 1.7 | 183018,177381

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 177381 will receive a punishment for GH 1.7 (As seen in the POV ID 177381 did GH 1.7 in the whole POV) However, - ID 183018 will not receive any punishment. (As seen in the POV ID 183018 was wearing gang clothes in whole POV)
  17. Don Pluxury

    Reviewed GH 1.7 | 183018,177381

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I cannot conclude this report at this time. Requesting Event Pov of Id 183018,177381. (Provide Pov Of The Particular Situation) You have 6 Hours to provide the same
  18. Don Pluxury

    Approved UB Demands + Gr 6.15 | 121878,191497

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 191497 will receive a punishment for GR 6.15 (As seen in the POV ID 191497 did Gr 6.15 at 2:30) -ID 121878 will receive a punishment for UB Demands (As seen in the POV ID 121878 did UB Demand at 1:45) -ID 185237 will receive...
  19. Don Pluxury

    Approved Fail Rp | 80273

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report - ID 80273 will receive a punishment for Fail RP (As seen in the POV ID 80273 did Fail RP at 0:12)
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