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Search results

  1. BashaSK

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.17 | Nik Payne

    Dear Administrator , I Got Banned For Gen Rule 6.17 for using Xbox For Recording my POV . So , I recorded some videos for 4 days when I first started playing GrandRP 2 or 3 months before . At That time I was not Aware of the Rule and eventually came to know about that and switched to Nvidia ...
  2. BashaSK

    Reviewed CR + RDM | 147807,159374,159258

    No Overlay Something SUS XD
  3. BashaSK

    Rejected FL + Parental abuse | 167659

    And why is not recording your microphone ?? Something SUS
  4. BashaSK

    Rejected FL + Parental abuse | 167659

    No Overlay in POV XD :)
  5. BashaSK

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information Your name IRL : Sushanth Your age (OOC) : 18 Time zone + country : GMT +5:30 | India Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play : 10:00 to 22:00 Average online per day(hours) : 10 - 12 Hours Your Discord ID : sk_basha Your characters' name (IC) : Lissaa Weeds Your...
  6. BashaSK

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 160980

    Edited The ID and Title . Thank You
  7. BashaSK

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 160980

    I was Buying Canister in the Gas station . Then The Player with ID 160980 shot me without any reason in Unscripted Green Zone .
  8. BashaSK

    Reviewed UB Demand+Getto Rule 1.12+MG | 150454+166785+155302

    In My POV You can clearly see that my friend gave a 5 sec Warning by counting till 5 . You say that we Didn't Wait for you to leave . We Counted and you got out of the Chopper so we can clearly shoot you .
  9. BashaSK

    Reviewed UB Demand+Getto Rule 1.12+MG | 150454+166785+155302

    We gave You Clear Warning to Leave and counted till 5 seconds bro .
  10. BashaSK

    Rejected Mercy Killing | 179927

    The Player 177440 was patching his friend at time 00:01 . Then Someone From The Bridge Shot Player 177440 . The Player 179927 shot his Friend with Rev And Sent him To Hospital at time 00:32 .
  11. BashaSK

    Approved ER 1.2 | 166773

    The scenario was not over . you guys cuffed our members so i shot you to save them.
  12. BashaSK

    Reviewed Unban Appeal For Gen Rule 1.1 | Pablo Schmidt

    Yeah Sir, I Agree . I'm really sorry for the mistake .
  13. BashaSK

    Reviewed Unban Appeal For Gen Rule 1.1 | Pablo Schmidt

    Dear Administrator, I got Banned For Gen Rule 1.1 . I am Playing on this server for 2 months (approx.) . Though the Time I Have Played is Less , I have put so much Effort in this Account . I Understand what I Have Done is a huge Mistake . I am Deeply Sorry for Violating Gen Rule 1.1 ...
  14. BashaSK

    Approved RDM | 155302,173032

    I Request an extended Version of your POV .
  15. BashaSK

    Approved RDM | 155302,173032

    You Were provoking There Buddy . You Were purposefully Provoking Him so that He will shoot you and you could put RDM Thread Here. XD
  16. BashaSK

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    INFORMATION : 1. Your Name IRL : Sushanth 2. Your Age (OOC) : 18 3. Time Zone + Country : GMT+5:30 | INDIA 4. Based On Server Time From What Time Until What Time You Play : 12:00 to 24:00 5. Average Online Per Day (Hours) : 8 to 10 Hours 6. Your Discord ID : sk_basha 7. Your Characters...
  17. BashaSK

    Reviewed POV Request | 00000

    Need His POV . I Want To See How I Died !!
  18. BashaSK

    Reviewed POV Request | 00000

    I Want to See How I Died . Need His POV . I Have A Doubt That This Guy From The Unofficial Family Kaos 2.0 has used Sniper To Kill Me in RP Ticket . We have Previously had the Same Situation in previous Rp Ticket Battles From This Same Family Kaos 2.0
  19. BashaSK

    Reviewed POV Request | 000000

    I Want To see How I died 💀. Need His POV 🎦.
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