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  1. A

    Reviewed Pov Request ID 0000

    yo bro chat GPT works as well
  2. A

    Approved ER 1.18 | 435524 & 0000

    I want to see how they both get up on the roof. The roof is inaccessible, I wanna see their pov from when they entered the zone. I also wanna see how I died I did not see him.
  3. A

    Rejected Event Rule 1.2 |0000

    This guy from Anarchy shot me before entering in zone. All in POV
  4. A

    Approved RDM & MK | 307702

    I was afk when some random guy came and rdm'd me and my friend. We were just waiting for the bizz war to start.
  5. A

    Reviewed POV REQUEST I 0000

    you were already half hp ?
  6. A

    Approved pov req | 0000

  7. A

    Approved pov req | 0000

    Why can't I hear people on your Discord? cause there's no way your talking to yourself
  8. A

    Approved Meta Gaming + CR | 262445 254405 326559

    How did his friend know he was getting robbed? his friend rammed us and got in the car. All in Pov maybe they were bloods I'm not sure
  9. A

    Reviewed POV req | 425087

    https://streamable.com/lp301n I'm providing it for 425087
  10. A

    Rejected close

    it was obvious how he killed u LMFAO
  11. A

    Approved cr rdm | ID 272889

    car ramming is crazy
  12. A

    Approved rdm at event | 375076

    clip is not 1 min btw
  13. A

    Approved CL | 330343

    your life must be miserable i hope this makes u happy bro
  14. A

    Approved CL | 330343

    LMFAO yall take the game too serious
  15. A

    Rejected 6.6 looting | 74256

    he picked it up with rev out
  16. A

    Rejected GR 6.15 I MK I 282910 I 330343 I 419107

    We didn't have to give demands for last 10 mins
  17. A

    Rejected Pov req / 251653

    it was obvious how he killed you.
  18. A

    Rejected Pov Req | 416752

    idk how he shot me I was behind a rock
  19. A

    Approved RDM | 330343

    how you gonna threat me that you gonna drop me + you kept provoking
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