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  1. N

    Pending review Unban Appeal | James Pluxury/Alex Odd

    Hello, I dont understand why my last appeal was denied because "2 year old bans are not subject of appeal", first of all, how am I supposed to be asked to be unbanned if I literally cant appeal because I got banned "2 years" ago, it makes no sense, it doesnt say that anywhere in the guidelines...
  2. N

    Rejected Unban Appeal | James Pluxury

    Hey, I tried appealing this ban a year ago to no avail, my alt/ "twink" account with the ID 3485 which I have not used in a very long time got banned for "security ban" I am assuming this ban is because my account got hacked, because one of my passwords was posted on a telegram channel with...
  3. N

    Rejected Unban Appeal | James Pluxury

    https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1159216307867226303/1175809133128196096/image.png?ex=656c9496&is=655a1f96&hm=936d900ee9dc417201e11ce11bf46fbded2626802c21bd2c940adbd549a74436&= this is my steam account only other one i used on this server
  4. N

    Rejected Unban Appeal | James Pluxury

    https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1159216307867226303/1175540353407909989/image.png?ex=656b9a44&is=65592544&hm=9bfade4b7fd896a0ae82813e5dc724db0d9d3b8644b9dc00894a98cad89505c1&= This is the social club i use right now, i used like 1 or 2 others probably but they are all named Ne0n1c in a...
  5. N

    Rejected Unban Appeal | James Pluxury

    Hello, I tried to log into my account after not playing for a very long time when I found out that my password wasn't working, so I made a password reset request and logged into the account to be met with a ban screen with the reason: Security Ban. I do not know if my account was hacked or...
  6. N

    Rejected Ban Appeal - Nolan Sierra

    Hello Andy Margiela, I want to apologize for saying the N word In Character with an African American character to enhance my roleplay, I did not know this was against the server rules after coming back from a long break from the server. Is there anyway this 3 day blacklist could be lifted or...
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