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  1. shakershrouf

    Rejected GR 1.1 | Nik Payne

    hello sir i don't know my mistake i got ban for a pc check please help me in this situation my ID -1399 MY appeal for unban please check my pc for further assistance i am here to co-operate with you . From crazey
  2. shakershrouf

    Rejected Gen rule GR 1.1 |Nik payne

    Please, brother, unblock my account, and I promise that this problem will not happen to me again, and I will change the email and password. Please help me. I have a business, houses, money, and businesses that I do not want to delete
  3. shakershrouf

    Rejected Gen rule GR 1.1 |Nik payne

    My brother, you charged me for the past month and the account was zero. Why for 60 days? I don't know this. Please unblock me. I have a house, business, and money in the city. There is days and I spend 60 days in the city. I have reached level 52.
  4. shakershrouf

    Rejected Gen rule GR 1.1 |Nik payne

    Brother, you held me accountable for the ban. Why the ban for another 60 days? I don't know this injustice, please lift the ban
  5. shakershrouf

    Rejected Gen rule 1.1 |Nik payne

    Hello, I just got banned for gen rule 1.1 (Created account is property of the creator, your account cannot be shared or traded). As for my gen 1.1 is totally wrong since I've been playing in the server for a long time now and I'm aware of the rules and I didn't share my account with anyone. Why...
  6. shakershrouf

    Approved Ban for GR 1.1 I Hassy Davids

  7. shakershrouf

    Approved Ban for GR 1.1 I Hassy Davids

    I got banned for GR 1.1 I know that was wrong I hope u forgive me and I sure to u that I will be more careful in the next time I hope that u agree for a money wipe if that's no problem with you I know my mistakes it will never happen again i just didnot know that i buy a new PC and i open my...
  8. shakershrouf

    Rejected Hello, can you unlock my band for 60 days? I don’t know what caused the band. I feel unfair

    Hello, can you unlock my band for 60 days? I don’t know what caused the band. I feel unfair
  9. shakershrouf

    Rejected Sir, my account and my friend's account have been banded for 60 days. Why, brother?

    سيدي، لقد تم ربط حسابي وحساب صديقي لمدة 60 يومًا. لماذا يا أخي؟
  10. shakershrouf

    Rejected 22

    من فضلك قم بعمل موقف للسيارات أمام الحلبة
  11. shakershrouf

    Rejected Band 60 days of injustice

    hello i need help please I bought 3000 bullets from someone who works in Battle Sheep, and the admin paid me and gave me a 60-day band, unfair I'm sorry for breaking this rule and sorry for taking ammunition from warehouses. It's the first time you've entered the fun. Not breaking the rules...
  12. shakershrouf

    Rejected Band 60 days of injustice

    أحتاج إلى مساعدة من فضلك اشتريت 3000 رصاصة من شخص يعمل في Battle Sheep ، ودفع ، المشرف وأعطاني لمدة 60 يومًا ، غير عادلة أنا آسف حقًا لخرق هذه القاعدة وآسف لأخذ الذخيرة من المستودعات. في المرة الأولى ، عندما تكون في المرة الأولى. عدم كسر القواعد. يعتبر سوء فهم وآمل أن تعطيني فرصة لخطئي ،...
  13. shakershrouf

    Rejected Band 60 days of injustice

    أحتاج إلى مساعدة من فضلك اشتريت 3000 رصاصة من شخص يعمل في Battle Sheep ، ودفع لي المشرف وأعطاني فرقة لمدة 60 يومًا ، غير عادلة
  14. shakershrouf

    Rejected Band 60 days of injustice

    أحتاج إلى مساعدة من فضلك اشتريت 3000 رصاصة من شخص يعمل في Battle Sheep ، ودفع لي المشرف وأعطاني فرقة لمدة 60 يومًا ، غير عادلة
  15. shakershrouf

    Reviewed band 60 days unfairness

    مرحبا [ 10:37 م ] أحتاج إلى مساعدة من فضلك اشتريت 3000 رصاصة من شخص يعمل في Battle Sheep ، ودفع لي المشرف وأعطاني فرقة لمدة 60 يومًا ، غير عادلة
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