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Search results

  1. Batuhan Hazeth

    Reviewed Pov Request | 115788

    I'm probably way older than you buddy. But enough talk. Let the admin decide.
  2. Batuhan Hazeth

    Reviewed Pov Request | 115788

    "Just because you are characterless" you said this. But now you are talking about moms. Who is "characterless" kid? NO COMMENT ANYMORE.
  3. Batuhan Hazeth

    Reviewed Pov Request | 115788

    bro I didn't even play the game today wtf :D
  4. Batuhan Hazeth

    Reviewed Pov Request | 115788

    Bro just chill out. Admin gonna decide. Shut your mouth and wait.
  5. Batuhan Hazeth

    Approved RDM | 101611

    There is something I don't understand. He points a gun at you, but you don't worry about your life.
  6. Batuhan Hazeth

    Approved Shooting in city + Admin Deceit / 112681, 107666, 99029, 101771, 104014 (family?)

    wtf forum warriors. I didnt shoot anyone stop talking shit Id: 104014
  7. Batuhan Hazeth

    Approved Leader of Vagos | Kaschmir Martinez

    u got this bro
  8. Batuhan Hazeth

    Reviewed Cheating I 126094

    You can see everything in the pov.
  9. Batuhan Hazeth

    Rejected Cheater ID 123389

    I was in cover. And I died.
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