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  1. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    there 2 scene, one is before coming with truck and one is after coming with truck... before truck scene i maked voice rp but system said you need truck near to collect so i didnt collected succesfully. so i go get truck to complete the collecting. maybe your brain capacity full
  2. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    i didnt recorded
  3. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

  4. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    proof failrp
  5. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    from my pov you didnt give demand before killing. :ROFLMAO: nice rdm also forum topic for only 2 person. one is thread owner and one is complained person so there no needing guardian angels or dogs (i didnt know which one is you so i write it in 2 option) to admin who read these comments. i did...
  6. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    im saying what happened at scene... maybe i didnt rp maybe i did rp. if you says im lying then show pov, otherwise i know what i did
  7. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    The person who says 'touch grass' is using all their power here to defend themselves for not getting any warn in something that they simply see as a 'game'. How cliche :ROFLMAO:
  8. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    If I were to give an example from a game or real life... Let's say you're a police officer and you're going to arrest a criminal, but you notice that the criminal isn't responding or reacting (for a game term he/she is AFK). Would you just say "ohhhhhhh man criminal is not talking today, i need...
  9. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    then you don't need to comment unnecessarily. If my evidence is insufficient, the forum admins will close the issue anyway. also who says im failrp. i tryed to talk with victim before coming with truck and after victim not respond i maked noise like "im taking money from your pocket do not move"...
  10. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    Why did 4 people suddenly feel the need to defend themselves? first one victim is afk (not moving or talking in 1 min, tryed to talk with him but no response), second one and last one is if you have pov then show... because in there im 1 against 4 so one of you 4 must have pov right?
  11. Alp

    Rejected RDM 95589

    to explain scene, im debt collector and before going to target i leaved my truck out of building to hide my job from others at first (victim can be run to dont pay directly or other people in scene can thought i come for them and point gun on me so i need to interact with victim only without...
  12. Alp

    Approved CL | ID : 36947

    making failrp doesnt mean "if the other person is playing failrp, I should not continue this role and leave the game". you should have continued the role and if possible you should have opened a topic about it in the forum at the end of the role. at worst you could have called an admin during...
  13. Alp

    Approved RDM, MG, UB, UB demand, MK, GN 3.2 | 89193, 97300

    you think I care, son, to be banned for 7 days, am I playing gta 24/7 like you, idiot. i'm taking 15 gcs daily and leave game. do you think that I really care its translate for english for giving reply to this guy: dude i bet the only sentence you can use to make yourself look cool is "do you...
  14. Alp

    Rejected RDM | 93126 - 106327

    While I was waiting without doing anything, two people approached me. Initially, they started saying something quickly, as if they were rapping, and then they began counting from one to five. It was only when they started counting that I understood they were demanding something, so I started...
  15. Alp

    Approved RDM | 35926

    killing players for 30.000$ treasure chest with 5 teammate
  16. Alp

    Rejected FL - Demand

    While I was waiting without doing anything, two people approached me. Initially, they started saying something quickly, as if they were rapping, and then they began counting from one to five. It was only when they started counting that I understood they were demanding something, so I started...
  17. Alp

    Approved RDM | 39133

    While taking me to the city, the cops set up a spike trap, so the tires of the bus blew. I had the repair kit so I told the bus driver to stop for let me repair bus. but he killed me for no reason after i got off the bus
  18. Alp

    Reviewed Meter Gaming

    its en category not de
  19. Alp

    Rejected RDM 4988

  20. Alp

    Rejected RDM 4988

    Hello, I left the grand roleplay 5 months ago. and I started again yesterday, I realize that some rules have changed, at the same time, updates have come to the server. The event in this video may be invalid according to the new rules, but as far as I know, it is called rdm to kill players...
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