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Search results

  1. T

    Rejected GH 1.8 | Kevin Ford

    Hello, Me and my friends were punished for ghetto rule 1.8 , but we did not rob anyone or take a hostage like the rule says, we just tell him to talk on this org radio. There is no rule about this. Thanks There id's 25904 , 25225 , 88054 , 3878
  2. T

    Approved Cl | 117841

    all in pov
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    Approved CL | 119495

    all in pov
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    Approved VDM | 117823

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    Approved mercy killing | 0000

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    Approved GZ 1.3 | 118646

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    Rejected Demons Family | Unofficial Organization

    Name family : Demons Family Founder : Tamer Boro ID | 5331 Family House Number :591 Family Owners Discord : tamir1 Family Leader Forum: https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/23989/ ➠ Backstory:Welcome to the " Demons " family, Started by Tamer Boro in the 2000s and founded by Meki Dmo ...
  8. T

    Rejected RDM | 103174

    1 - MG 2- video edited i have 10-10 with leos and he coming what are you doing here
  9. T

    Approved Del Federal | Er 1.7

    Dear lebron the band still active i have 27 left and thanks for your time .
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    Approved Del Federal | Er 1.7

    Dear lebron i didnt see the forum so got band for it but now i loaded my pov. and thanks for your time . this is my pov.
  11. T

    Rejected Shan Mirjah | wrong decision

    Dear lebron can u pls check this forum because the admin decision was wrong first he request pov and give him 12 h after that he said no leftover components is not a moderated event. i just want to know if leftover request pov or not and thanks for your time .
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    Approved CR+VDM+Non Rp driving | 22777

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    Approved VDM | 107613

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    Reviewed Pov request | 91748

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    Rejected NLR | 7877

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    Approved CL | 7877

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    Approved VDM | 43082

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  18. T

    Rejected vdm | 107723

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  19. T

    Approved vdm | 107840

    all in pov
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