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Search results

  1. S

    Approved CR And VDM | ID:34564

    All in the pov
  2. S

    Rejected Possible Cheat | 9944

    ping difference
  3. S

    Approved General Rule 3.2 ID:26929

    All in the pov i want support from Turkish admins
  4. S

    Rejected Evet Rule 1.20 | ID: 440 - 19432 - 10509

    Everything open at POV
  5. S

    Rejected delete

  6. S

    Rejected RDM | 3265

    id 3265 killed me in hide and seek event
  7. S

    Rejected General rule 6.15 | ID 2545 - 8613

    You can see that I'm moving out of the zone but still shoot me
  8. S

    Rejected General rule 6.15 | ID 2545 - 8613

    When this guys doing RP and says 'leave the area' im trying escape this area but they are shoot me and trying the kill me. Approved - rdm | id 0000 this forum part of this situation. I dont kill anyone witout no reson.
  9. S

    Rejected Possible Cheat | ID : 39

    other pov
  10. S

    Reviewed toxicity | 12083 12082

    We have 2 video links look carefully
  11. S

    Reviewed toxicity | 12083 12082

    They shoot us and we die its normal part but they coming our death body and saying swear(Turkish) and make a fun but its not over because 12083 İD Player(Sanchez_Pitt) he was banned this server and he create another account and keep trolling our family and random people.This is his old id he was...
  12. S

    Approved toxicity in the family raid / 11300 - 8556 - 893 - 135

    I went to defend my family raid and when I come in they shoot me its normal but after they killed me come on my body and they starting scream,toxicity and they open a flag in the raid area to make fun.(I demand punishment as soon as possible)
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