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Search results

  1. M

    Rejected Ban Appeal GR 1.9 | Alex Odd

    Hello, this is Moonbeam Howard (ID 6786). I was banned today along with my friends listed above. I would have never broke general rule 1.9 if we weren't told multiple times that it was completely okay. I have put so many hours into the city and love it here and never would have intentionally...
  2. M

    Rejected DM 41272

    This guy killed me without any RP while i was trying to take care of the family drug lab. unfortunately i only was able to get the end of it but as you can see he is muted and has no way to RP with me before this.
  3. M

    Rejected Impersonating a police officer

    2 guys followed me and asked me to pull over. they kept claiming they were police when they obviously weren't. i got body cam on of the end of the incident when they followed me into the green zone and proceeded to harass me. you can hear one guy say i am a cop and then run off. im nor sure why...
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