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  1. Sergio Veez

    Approved CL Bug Abuse ID: 120431

    He did multiple times
  2. Sergio Veez

    Approved RDM | ID 176265

    its clear on that video im not entering to ur property lol
  3. Sergio Veez

    Approved RDM | ID 176265

    Killing without demands
  4. Sergio Veez

    Approved RDM | ID: 209949, 209909

    we where just roaming suddenly two guys come over and killed two of us.
  5. Sergio Veez

    Rejected RDM in city

    We where just roaming suddenly 2 guys come and just killed two of us.
  6. Sergio Veez

    Rejected RDM | RACISCM

    I was just sitiing in my car and this guy was killing all the near by players without any reason. And also he was so racist by using country name.
  7. Sergio Veez

    Approved Racism | VDM in Greenzone | OOC Death Threat | Homophobic

    When me and my friend randomly find these 3 peoples try to abuse a girl near license center i started to question them and they all turned around me They were continuously using bad words and doing vdm for no reason. As you can see the proof i tried to contact the admin but no one was available...
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