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Search results

  1. Beni Valentine

    Rejected Event Rule 1.2 | 325253

    Rejected POV does not meet 1 mins minimum requirement
  2. Beni Valentine

    Rejected GR3.3 378196 434983 Racism 378196

    Rejected POV edited
  3. Beni Valentine

    Rejected UB DRIVING | 58540

    Rejected POV does not meet minimum 1 mins requirement.
  4. Beni Valentine

    Rejected abusing gz | 79276

    Rejected No POV
  5. Beni Valentine

    Reviewed 289018, 358020 provoking and 419692 shooting in city

    Reviewed ID 289018 will be punished for UB ID 434996 will be punished for Mass CR ID 419692 will be punished for Shooting in City
  6. Beni Valentine

    Reviewed 2X RDM/GZ 1.1 | 436460

    Reviewed ID 436460 will be punished for Shooting in City and Gen Rule 6.24 x2
  7. Beni Valentine

    Rejected RDM

    Rejected POV has no sound
  8. Beni Valentine

    Reviewed gen 6.12 | 375262

    Reviewed ID 418816 will be punished for Gen Rules 6.12, 6.15 and FailRp Ub Demands
  9. Beni Valentine

    Reviewed gen 6.12 | 375262

  10. Beni Valentine

    Rejected sexual harassment | no 2481622

    Rejected This is not sexual harassment. Also, you can blacklist the number.
  11. Beni Valentine

    Rejected gr3.2 I 338213

    Rejected Provide POV
  12. Beni Valentine

    Reviewed RDM | 425532

    Reviewed ID 425532 will be punished for Gen Rule 6.15 and Shooting in City
  13. Beni Valentine

    Rejected RDM | 341597

    Rejected POV is unavailable
  14. Beni Valentine

    Approved GZ 1.2 I 422710

    Approved ID 422710 will be punished for GZ 1.2
  15. Beni Valentine

    Reviewed POV Request / 233825

    Reviewed Looks like a visual bug
  16. Beni Valentine

    Approved ER 1.18 | 369305

    Approved ID 369305 will be puunished for Event Rule 1.18
  17. Beni Valentine

    Approved ER 1.18 | 369305

    POV Request ID 369305 you have 12 hours to reply with your entire POV for this event
  18. Beni Valentine

    Rejected RDM I 398814

    Rejected POV does not meet minimum 1 mins requirement
  19. Beni Valentine

    Rejected Corruption without bio UB drive | 421472

    Rejected This is an IC issue. This is NOT corruption without a Bio.
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